“Housekeeping” the institution for commercial “creativity.”ID: PC
What is the symbolic meaning of housekeeping, in comparison to the actual housekeeping? It's an act of “guardianship” and “preservation.”... Well, a job opening caught my eye immediately! It was a place where I had already had two different interviews decades ago for a “creative” worker. The new job opportunity was a “housekeeping” job for a pseudo-creative institution that mass-produces “creatives” – like the one that is writing this message right now. Why is the institution producing pseudo-creatives? Because its creativity is confined only within the marketability of whatever they are creating. In other words, the creative endeavor for “creative” products and services is limited only to whether the creation is profitable or not. If the creation is done for free for the social good of humanity, then it is not considered creative. If it's created pro bono, then you are not bringing revenue, you are not creating profits, and you are useless for business; hence, your creativity is not rewarded because you haven't sold anything, and you are just giving your creation for free for your humanity... just as people did in the Paleolithic ages before the profiting culture took off. Unfortunately we have an institution that mass-produces “creatives” while the poor things don't even know that when their creativity is for-profit instead of for social cause, they are closed in a boxed mentality.... So, what a great opportunity that this culture is offering me: if I am to get the job, I can simply continue to help the organization of guarding and preserving the commercially-driven “creativity.”... And by the way, when I was applying for the job, one of the questions for the potential housekeeper was: “Will you work overtime if required?” Oh, sure I will, how could I not... how dare do you question my loyalty to our lovely for-profit culture!? I will do anything to protect the institution that mass-produces brainwashed “creatives” and maintains the business going. And, of course, I had to pick the lowest possible salary that they offered me – in order for me to get the job.... (By the way, I never got an offer for the job.)