Some of the artworks in the Conceptual art section will belong, more or less, in other categories, such as performance art or series. As of now, my conceptual art from the late 1990s and early 2000s is still not photographed and scanned.
Some of the artworks in the Conceptual art section will belong, more or less, in other categories, such as performance art or series. As of now, my conceptual art from the late 1990s and early 2000s is still not photographed and scanned.
I don't know if Abraham Maslow saw it coming when he came up with the scientifically devised pyramid of human needs, but his physiological needs are no longer the most important factor for human existence. Instead, the most important factor for human existence is the reminder for our “lovely” savvy profiteers... because they don't seem to be getting the memo that they should not be messing around with human life, and our physiological needs aren't about to be going away anytime soon. Monetary barriers that prevent our access to our physiological needs, are cultural habits of profiting that slide in our lives as if they are biologically normal. No, they're not! So, I couldn't help but to be compelled to redesign Maslow's pyramid of needs, and emphasize to the savvy profiteers that they need to stop acting like idiots.
(Joan Miró, L'anneau, #3, 1961)
If you are interested in reading about plan B to shopping, you can check out my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books about the monetary culture's problem... and the solution.
I decided to do a response to Jenny Holzer's Men don't protect you anymore art, which had been displayed and imprinted on various places, including condoms (which are obviously made for protection). If you want to know more about the dynamics between women's and men's interactions and connections, I delve into that topic very deeply in my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books that I dedicate to the resolution of the faulty interactions and connections between women and men.
This poverty readymade no longer exists as an object, because it couldn't be retrieved off the floor. Its representation is a grenade (made out of hair and shoe imprint on my toilet's dirty floor at my cluttered place). To remind, readymades are Duchamp's ordinary objects made into art. However, the poverty readymades, are my contemporaneous version of the ordinary objects – shaped by poverty itself. (The poverty readymades are an ongoing series, but I rarely keep updating it.)
In 2003 I bought a laundry bin from a very popular corporation. I always kept the sticker on the bin because at that time I had already been flirting with conceptual & performance art for about 5 years or so. I knew that one day I will come up with some artwork in regards to the tiny sticker.... In 2023 when my new playful kitten started ruining the sticker, I had to remove it immediately, but before that I took a picture of it.... And surely, the new idea came! Let me go on their website and compare my 2003 sticker price, to their price for an 18 gallon plastic laundry bin (with lid); I couldn't find the exact shape of the laundry bin, but you get the idea about the price difference between two decades.... We are told that Western culture (I am not going to name which -ism), “always lowers the consumer prices”: Really!? Should we go ahead and list the millions of other items that are always getting more expensive? If they go cheaper, how are the savvy profiteers going to profit? No, they need to always make profits!
Response to this “feminist” artwork was due for a long time; I was familiar about it from a while ago. If you are curious to know why the excessive femininity is just as troublesome as the excessive masculinity, you can read my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books regarding the interactions and connections between women and men.
I was aware about this vulture-preying photo from a while ago, but it took me a while to get the idea for the text. Before the “economists” lose it and start to bash me, I wan to clarify that, of course, I am speaking of “supply and demand” regarding needs, not wants. When our human needs are not met, the other animals' needs are not about to disappear!
I had been planning this work for a while; the longer I waited, the better it became (like aged wine).... $17.01/hr is my value after 30 years of work! (I am smiling sarcastically.) No kidding, right? What is your value submissive wage slaves?
Like father like son.... When I left my local municipality in 2023, a balance of 115 personal time hours was not paid! Would BIG brother, the STATE, help out? No, it didn't want to intervene... because they are both part of the same family.
When I was hired for a full time position in 5-2016, I decided to do a government shaming situational performance art where I will not take any sick days, and instead at the end of my employment I will donate all of my sick-hours back to the government. Coincidentally, I actually did get severely sick during my work, but grinding my teeth in sarcasm I coped through it.... In 4-2023, leaving my job I donated my accumulated 544 sick-day hours! (Since the disclosed action of this work is a situational performance art while the image presentation is conceptual art, I have copied this work to be shown in both, the situational performance and the conceptual art sections.)
This is the “civilized” world's version of the news! You have to scroll to the bottom of the page to get the real news. No kidding... and we still call the news providers The News?
Oh, I better watch out, because how else would I be liked other than for my beauty!? If you want to know more about how our culture brainwashes women to ignore the power of their needed personalities, you can check out my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books regarding the faulty interactions and connections between women and men.
Big round of applause to our beloved government for perpetuating my wage-slaving and for keeping me poor: Thank you so much! I love the sarcastic text on the top of a snapshot of my earnings... for over 30 years of work! If you want to know more about why government and businesses are in bed with each other, and why the government (or any government) would never bother to pay enough money to its wage slaves, you can check out my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books regarding the monetary culture.
What is “normal?” That which she does to her parents, to her girlfriends, and that which girls do to their dolls: they are interactive and loving to them. If you want to find out why girls and women don't treat boys and men like normal people, you can read my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books regarding the faulty interactions and connections between women and men. (This idea for a vocal woman comes from Soviet-era poster era.)
Abstract expressionist American flag puffing out the accumulated smoke from its sick lungs.
After paying yet another nasty bill online, I was surprised at the email I received. The response is normally a receipt, but this time it was a dumb question: “What led you to make a payment today?” Hmm! “What led” me “to make a payment today?” Are you serious... are you folks out of your mind... do you really want me to open the can of worms that's been growing in my head since my days of wage slavery began!? Okay, I'll answer: May I suggest, your harassing requirement to pay the bill!?
I didn't take this photo, I am just pointing out that he has “a lot on his mind,” and that lot keeps glowing.
What did Michelangelo forget to paint in the Sistine chapel? God's pillar of creation. So, I painted it for him. I took the Eagle Nebula from the Serpens constellation, and I attached it to Adam.
It was time to rename Giovanni Bellini's Madonna of the Meadow, (1500), with the appropriate title: Madonna regrets poisoning her baby with industrial factory-made milk made with artificial growth hormones.
Due to the need for ever-increasing profits, Velazquez and Mondrian have done a collaborative merger, and will double their price. If corporations can do it, why not artists!?
The word was that Amazon had a new no toilet break policy (effective immediately) for its employees, because obviously the urinators and the shitters were ripping off the corporation by using the toilet while getting paid. So I immediately jumped on board to help the Amazon corporate policy by creating a free sign for them.
I didn't design this icon! A major corporation designed it. I find it funny, but also ironic, that even they don't know how to illustrate a proper mask wearing during a pandemic.
The Warrior's version also has the tail of the Balloon Dog by Koons.
In 2020, everyone was so frantic about the Covid virus, but nobody was taking the initiative to turn the calamity into a profitable business. So, I decided to take the matters into my own hands and design the new Coronavirus logo: Population Control!
2020 was the record year for the production of boxed Coronavirus chocolates!
During the 2020 elections I decided that it's time to redesign the old “I voted!” sticker. Since voting is a waste of time, because it doesn't contribute to better lives for the majority of people, I needed to redesign the sticker to, Sorry, I (de)voted my time to the illusion that voting for A or B would make a difference.
When Covid-19 hit, the most widely heard word in the media was “social distancing.” Apparently it didn't apply to the most famous politicians in the world.
Every 4 years the brainwashed masses are obsessed about picking their political candidate through voting. Right at that time, also the candidates themselves get to pick each other on stage. If we really like to watch the picking every day, why do we have to do it only once every 4 years!?
Modern art in bed with Big business: abstract expressionist modernizing of grocery shopping bags to lure customers into spending more money. (The observant eye, will detect a Mondrian in blue!)
Even the most famous people in the world are trying to get brain cancer! (Because they don't read their phone's manual... not that anyone else reads the little print anyway.)
Art appraisers be aware: This is a newly discovered Jackson Pollock!
It's probably more accurate to say that this is a nature-made installation that is open to the public, but... but let's just keep it as a “conceptual” art... because we wouldn't want the public to go there and start mocking the poor guy.
Two naked soldiers laying and looking at a board that is put there to deliberately separate them, so that they don't divert their attention toward each other. They are whispering about a potential “tactical intelligence 42 as....” It would be some kind of secret operation. Would they be tempted to do it?
The new cultural criteria is, “total gender equality,” right? Due to high degree of militant objection of 3rd, and particularly 4th wave “feminists,” beginning with the Sistine Chapel it was requested that all artworks that are done by males, are to be turned to 50/50 masculine and feminine version. We are now going to be scrubbing “patriarchal power,” and will be giving chance for women to be equal (by modifying the artworks). If you want to find out more about this joke, I cover it in my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books regarding the interactions and connections between women and men.... In the image you can see the before and after states of the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Which female artist will be hired to do the repainting? Of course, who else but Georgia O'Keeffe!
When the official portrait of “the Queen” was released on the MSM (because, of course, the MSM is totally obsessed with royalties), I noticed that she was staring at something, and... and, of course, my sarcastic mind started brewing creative new ideas. So, I decided to do an unofficial edit of the portrait by putting the appropriate outcome of – the legacy of royal wealth.
I was trying to think of how the conversation went between the two in The Sacrifice of Isaac by Guiseppe Vermiglio:
“Let off, or your wings are next!”
“Oh wow, you're serious about it honey aren't you?”
“I sure am! What the hell are you: A human with wings?”
“Have you been drinking again?”
“I sure have... as much as God did when he created you....”
Of course, I didn't take the picture; I only covered their eyes and added the text: Same specie, same living necessities, different income provider = perpetual clash!
Who would've thought that the wood is an artist!
I decided to recreate George Seurat's Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, (1884), and make it look as if he painted it today. Instead of expecting to see a civilized world 100 years after the 19th century, one gets to see a world of poverty and homelessness.
When I saw this cover-story, I immediately knew that she was missing something; she “wants to change the way women fight sexual harassment,” but not how men fight it: Really? What is passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing: Not “harassment?” Our dysfunctional culture has no problem making distorting the proper emergence of love through proper conversation. If you are interested in finding out more about this topic, you can check out my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books regarding the interactions and connections between women and men.
Once again, an Edvard Munch is sold at an auction for rich folks, and I decided to place the artist himself right there in front of all the upper class folks. Poor Edvard was asking if any of the money will be going to him. What did the auctioneer reply? “No sir, this money is certainly not for you, but you should still continue to produce this brilliant work resulting from your struggles in your poor little life.”
After throwing away a leaky garbage bag in either the dumpster or my working truck (at one of my jobs), I froze at the view. This pavement installation art was certainly not intended, nor would I have been able to achieve it even if I wanted to.... The stinky garbage juice had created the peace ribbon of all things! Hmm, what's the metaphor? Not only the poor people are for peace; the garbage is also for peace. Wait a minute, aren't the poor people the garbage? Oh yes, they are! Due to weather condition, I needed to grab my phone right away and snap the picture, because this installation wasn't going to last forever; the stinky garbage juice peace ribbon symbol was about to evaporate, just like our words for peace also always evaporate without having any potency... because why would the non-stinky haves pay attention to the stinky have-nots!?
I find it comical, but also ironic, that people other than the artist are profiting well from the artist's creation. When I saw the photo of the Edvard Munch painting auction, I decided to put him right next to all the rich buyers, and see what their response will be.... Oh, the clueless folks had no idea why this 19th century “lunatic” was so out of place, why was he wandering around clueless, and what was he begging about: Money? So, they had to call the security to escort him out.
In 2016 I couldn't bear the ineffective political system anymore, and I was very desperate to enlighten the masses with some really heavy duty wisdom.... And suddenly, “election infiltrating” was becoming a new cultural trend. Election infiltrating was everywhere on the news; it prompted me to do my social duty of infiltrating — by secretly placing the pictured items in the election room. To clarify, these items were hidden, not in the view of the voters. Poor things, I wouldn't want to distract them, right? They wouldn't be able to handle it. So, of course that they had to be hidden, otherwise I'd end up on the news.... In addition to the profound quotes by Robin Williams, Emma Goldman, and Charles de Gaulle, Operation Manual For Spaceship Earth by Buckminster Fuller, and Sonata No 14 “Moonlight” by Bethooven, ended up sleeping comfortably together in a voting room during the entire voting.... Keep sleeping voters! (By the way, to reiterate, a lot of my art is cross-genre; as a mixture of conceptual and performance art, this work isn't exempt from the genre crossing either.)
I had this artwork in mind since the 2016 new year's eve when I saw on the MSM how many police officers were on the streets crowding up the places even more. I find it ironic (if not comical because of my nasty sarcasm), that in contemporary times when people go to celebrate new year's eve, or whatever other holiday or event, they are protected by security... because celebrating is not secure... and because the “bad” guys are trying to hurt the celebrators, and because – particularly on densely populated places – they see even a better opportunity to hurt as many people as possible. And the poor leaders still have no idea why there is such thing as “bad” guys who are trying to hurt “innocent” bystanders; the only way they know how to respond is by flooding the place with “security”.... So, like many other works that I do, this idea was collecting dust in my archives; and finally, in 2024 I asked AI to give me an image of “many police officers on new year's eve...” and it even got more comical as I got way more police officers than I expected. This image is as if they came from the 1984 movie; there is actually more security than celebrators.
When I saw this photo, I immediately knew that there was something missing. I want to clarify that I am not trying to spark leftists or rightists into a battle of which politician is “good” and which politician is “bad”; I am not in the category of hating one politician more than another, because I divorced myself from viewing politics as a benefactor to human interactions long time ago. Politics among each other – which results in a lot of dead bystanders – is the result of the outdated culture we abide to. If you want to find out more about, why culture is the father of politics, you can check out my semi-autobiographical novel and my nonfiction books about the monetary culture; but to discuss this here in this little section would be a nonstarter.
It took me a while to realize that I was having an ongoing email conversation with a scammer.... In a monetary culture everyone is latching to profit from some avenue. In the case of “scammers,” they are not providing a product or service and are trying to snatch whatever they can get their hands on. But do we need to mention the big shots who are also not providing a product or service, just snatching money... in the millions and billions!? You can read the entire conversation here.
... but so does billboard advertising too.
When I saw the science article, “Sounds and glowing screens impair mouse brains,” I was immediately prompted to be wise: But not the human brains!?
You think that only the “great masters” can do crosshatching and pointillist million dollar artworks? Oh, not at all, a kitten can do it too!
Why is it that we never get to the bottom of the problem – which is always on the top!? To clarify, I didn't do this illustration, but the second I saw it, plus their donate button (sitting comfortably), I immediately knew that they didn't understand the origin of profiteering: money – which creates an urge to obtain as much as possible. By pointing at “corrupt” people, you are missing out the root problem. People are not born corrupt; the monetary culture that they live in made them to be more savvy at obtaining money.... Yes, that's right, I am forgiving the “corrupt” people, while I am not forgiving the outdated culture which raised them to behave like inconsiderate idiots. We have it backwards in our culture: we point fingers at the “bad” people, but not at the culture that created them. If you want to find out why money is the culprit, you can check out my semi-autobiographical novel and my nonfiction books about the negative effects of the monetary culture.
I need to do a disclaimer here to protect myself from the offended: I didn't create this pooped cross! It was created by God's nature... and earth already took it back. I'm not trying to pull off an Andres Serrano here. I just found the sculpted cross and took a picture of it for evidence that God did it himself.
The age-old question came to mind. Who is better, the Republicans or the Democrats?
This is what the “feminist” hypocrisy looks like: financially successful woman politician or celebrity pretending to represent progress for the wage slaves. But if she succeeds, she becomes just another successful male who is well-above the 99% bottom feeders – the same bottom feeders who will be well-brainwashed and inspired to become the next “feminist.” They are not “feminists”; they are business oriented people latching onto the “feminist” word just as a marketing tactic. If “feminism” is pro economic class division of people into haves and have-nots, then it isn't egalitarian nor beneficial at all. Notice the pointed arrows: some of you (wage slaves) will not make enough money to buy one of those things in your entire life!
It was time to redesign the US flag. The new design is self-explanatory. The vast majority of people in the USA are living on paycheck-to-paycheck and barely scraping. The new name is deserved: U S fAke! Moreover, every country should have a fake version of their flag for their own country too, because all monetary systems exploit the vast majority of people alike.
When a bunch of USE REAL SUGAR packs were being thrown away, I took the opportunity to do an installation art: Use real sugar – to kill yourself for real!
For the body to function properly, obtaining of living necessities always needs not to be hampered nor struggled for; but it is through the monetary culture. Voting for candidate A or B does not prevent the struggle to obtain our needs, because both, candidate A and B, have no plans to be assembling a new way of living in which the goods and services are accessed as opposed to paid for. If you want to know more why a money is the wrong tool for providing of our goods and services, and why human ingenuity and ever-growing altruism are the right tools, you can read my semi-autobiographical novel and my nonfiction books about the negative effects of the monetary culture.
Continuing the legacy (2016), is a mockery of imperial power. Two presidents are meeting to discuss the presidential exchange. The former president is handing the bloody red planet that's been pierced by a smoking missile. The new president is about to grab his gift, and what does he exclaim about taking the new presidency? “Looks good to me, bloody red like it ought to be: Can't wait to continue the legacy!” (I didn't get to create this image until 2024, but I will keep it here in the 2016 section, because right after Trump and Obama met I had already downloaded the photos and I already had in mind that some kind of conceptual art needed regarding the scene of two presidents.)
I don't know if the 5 alpinists who are climbing the summit (right side on the steep wall), are aware that underneath them is not a mountain full of deep snow, but a planet they created that is trying to exterminate its own roaches.... So, maybe before they try to conquer another summit, they should rather try to conquer the minds of their own species, and stop polluting their own air.... To put the metaphorical joke aside, since this image is not easy to figure out – this is basically a vinyl covered roof of a house that is being fumigated underneath the vinyl sheets. In 2016 I took many pictures of it, which can be seen in the series – “Modern” Art... and the wasted time creating it while “modern” life kills quite a bit many (2016); but in 2024 when I was launching my site, I realized that this image in particular is not just shapes and colors, but it had something metaphorical about it... so, I separated it from the rest.
I had to take this photo immediately (as I was driving), because this was metaphor for the looming uncertainty ahead of us. It seemed that the owners of the car with this bumper sticker were ironically predicting the future of America.
When I received a letter from the government that was offering me “citizenship,” I smiled sarcastically because I decided to remind myself what I really received in between the lines. So, in their envelope I put the real letter to the wage slave that they were addressing:
Dear idiot,
“Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” — Albert Einstein
With that being said, welcome to the pack of immature wolves and enjoy your limited freedom in our well-marketed Corporatocracy.
Of course, the government would not say that it is a guardian of a corporatocracy that is in bed with businesses behavior; and both are promoting and keeping intact the nonsensical engagement of buying and selling all life long; the government would not say that they are promoters of the continuation of the exploitation of the sheeple. So, because they didn't do it, I did it for them. But I want to clarify that my views are not Libertarian, and I am not blaming the government; I point fingers to the outdated culture that we live in. In our poorly functioning culture, we are educated to compete against each other instead of to collaborate for the obtaining of our necessities. To find out why the monetary culture is the culprit, and it is the root cause of our codified system of exchange in which both, government and business promote a lifestyle of unnecessary constant wage slaving labor, you can read my How Not To Make Money nonfiction book about the negative effects of the monetary culture, and the solutions on how to outgrow our behaviors from engaging in what is not effective for us on daily basis. I also need to remind, that humans are animals, and as such we are naturally migratory – in order to obtain our needs. So, when we construct artificial barriers and borders, and we have to do complicated harassing and antagonistic paperwork in order to migrate, the government continues to perpetuate itself as a harasser to the people that it was supposed to serve.
This was on the cover of a wildlife magazine, with an article inside about the photographer's account during the capturing of the image. I cut it and pasted it in my notebook. But I also had to add some more text to the photographer's comment: And both of us knew that our synergy depends on the sanity of humanity to preserve our cooperative sustainability.
(I took a screen-capture of those.) Party music icons always depict the bimbos, don't they? The average looking folks are not a selling point.
In 2015 right before I started reading Gloria Steinem's Outrageous Acts And Everyday Rebellion, I basically realized that I may not have to read it, because right there on the inside cover of the library book were imprinted The Chromosomes that control our bodies. Essentially, they are the little and invisible culprits that spark the outrageous acts to our everyday rebellion.
How much does a Paul Gauguin cost? Let's ask the women he painted: We could sure use 300 million dollars to feed our village for eternity... but no, you would rather pay it to admire our struggles in pictorial!
Smiling Goldfish swimming with its babies… unsuspicious of the dangers that it is inside somebody's plate!
It was time to redesign Thomas Piketty's book with a brand new cover... which is more appropriate. The Darwinian survival of the fittest was clearly displayed in a wildlife magazine where I cut the picture and pasted it in my notebook.
My notebook is only “50 cents?” I beg to differ on the value!
My notebook is only “50 cents?” I beg to differ on the value!
Sitting at my desk in my cluttered place, looking up in exhaustion and having a prayer, just the right thing happened: up there on the ceiling, the newly redesigned American flag was showing itself off to me, and it was promising the unfulfilled freedom (which, of course, it never delivered).... Hmm! But what happened to the states and the original colonies? Poor folks couldn't handle the upcoming cultural shift pressure; and I see they left quite a bit of smeared red blood too.
This is my response regarding the absentminded individual whose library receipt I found: Dear library user, I found your receipt for The Creation of Feminist Consciousness. Next time, be more conscious and don't lose it... in the same way that contemporary feminism did!
The broken spoon inside the broken glass is an installation, but when I added the text on the top of the image, it also works as a conceptual art.
Look how easily we get brainwashed about the NON-important stuff, right? But then the other thing is, the overused word “developing” countries; in economic circles, the word “developing” implies that they are really trying to develop themselves. But how would that happen when they are constantly ripped off by the developed countries which milk out and exploit the “developing” countries? Within a monetary system (which is nested within our monetary culture), one cannot get rich unless he makes another one poor. Thomas More reminds us about this in his 1516 book Utopia: “What's medicine for some people is poison for others – because you can never pay Paul without robbing Peter.”
I saw this image on the news.... And I decided to inform those who don't see the association between war machine weapons and upper class folks who are playing golf.
Edvard Munch's The Scream, (1893), has always been missing something very important; he lived through it, but I don't know how he didn't have the confidence to add it onto his painting. So I did it for him.... People who can't handle the difficulties of contemporary culture, are not given help; instead, what they get is a spit on the face. Keep in mind that people who can't handle the artificiality of contemporary culture, are not few people here and there; they are the vast majority of people in the world – the wage slaves, the working classes; however, through the natural predispositions of parochial identity behaviors, they have learned to endure the pain, and keep their frustration neurotic and dormant; from young age they learn not to desert the sheeple culture by pointing fingers at it, or they will get ostracized and sidelined from the ingroup. But, as depicted in The Scream, once in a while some will snap and will show their anxiety.
City high-rise way above poverty line... but still inside the cloud of smog!
When this image was released on the MSM, I knew immediately which famous painting it resembles...
Holiday card makers should be in touch with reality, shouldn't they? So, since you'll never find a holiday card that speaks truly by reflecting the reality of the wage slaves, I decided to do it for them: May your lousy slave-wage salary fill your heart with artificial happiness, and get you through the new year without economic struggles. Wishful blessings wage slaves!
I am not air, food, water, and shelter to be used; I am just a piece of paper advertising ones and zeros, which have caused immense misery to the people and environment. And I somehow did all of it with my fictitious value. Happy economic slaving!
This is the type of tires that people who ride poverty ride on. See the amount of grip they have on life? Barely any!
With this installation I wanted to show my (sarcastic) appreciation to all the wage-slaving children whose labor makes other children happy: Thank you sweat-shop economic slaves for making another child happy!
I had to take a snapshot of the BS I get once in a while after web purchases, and make it into a blend of performance art and conceptual art.... “What can” we “do to make your shopping experience better?” Howe about lower your prices to zero!? “Is there anything else we can do to improve your shopping experience?” How about, pay your workers – living wages!? Needless to say that a business boss will not have an awakening.... A business is not a revolutionary practice, it's a cultural nuance of outdated dynamics between bosses and workers. If you want to find out more about our dysfunctional socioeconomic interactions, you can checkout my semi-autobiographical novel and my nonfiction books about the negative effects of the monetary culture.
I love this! Gotta keep the motivation of the wage-slaves high, right? Here, I did it: Deceptive motivational messages attached to wage-slaves’ paychecks is a blend of performance art and conceptual art. I took the risky opportunity to attach these tiny messages to the paychecks of some of my wage-slaving coworkers. On the good side, nobody took it seriously and I didn't end up being interrogated in the offices of upper management; but on the bad side, because we don't take this seriously – the wage-slaves remain... wage-slaves.
Red glowing space capsule reentering the atmosphere turns out to be a red bell pepper after all! But the reentry is contingent!
I am a one-of-a-kind pretty blue dot. Even Gottlieb will be proud of me. This innocent blue dot was found on my notebook.
This is a scan of a poems that I wrote in my notebook. The poem turn from writing to a visual observation. This is the third version of the same poem that takes an artistic turn; the first two versions can be found in the previous year (2012). The drawn junk that you see next to the text line is the garbage that I speak of in the poem's line, “with garbage it gravely enriches me.” I kept repeating this line so many times in my head that I essentially created several different versions of the poem. Well, this version is even artistic, which I didn't include in my poetry books (because the artistry couldn't be read, but now it instead had to be visualized. What happens is that where what is supposed to be written words with meaning – essentially start to deform to shapes of non-words with non-meaning. But, hold on: There is still a meaning! When the written words are deformed to meaningless shapes, the meaning of the poem takes a different context: scrabbles and patches of nonsense shapes, which are exactly “the garbage” that I depict in the poems.
Accidental abstract expressionist giveaway for the cost of a notebook. This minimalist marvel was discovered on the inside of the back cover of my notebook. Art appraisers, are you ready!?
When a shower curtain catches mold, and when money is a barrier to keep buying new ones... at least you get an artwork out of it: Flowers with mold.
I was stunned when I saw the iconic Rio statue of Christ, right inside my stuffed apartment of all places.
This is another one of the poverty readymades series, except it no longer exists because it was only taken as a picture. I can't remember how the setting of the image happened, but when I saw the circular hair with a dot in the middle (representation of an eye – God's eye); and when I saw the beast's head shape (on the bottom of my picture), I immediately knew that it reminds me of Picasso's Guernica bull/beast.... In his Guernica, he is depicting the horror of war; while in my poverty readymade, I am depicting the dirt of poverty. (The black & white is a zoomed version that enhances the contrast of the original picture.)
This garbage picture (with tweaked colors) depicts the ocean pollution that deep water fish have to go through. The garbage has gotten stuck on the body of the fish; even a straight wire too... that looks like as if it came from a Barnett Newman painting.
Imagine if you had the nerve to dive about 20 feet down in an industrially polluted lake/swamp, then turn around and look up. This is what you'd see in the chemically infested waters: lots of floating garbage, and couple of stretched wires too (that look like a Barnett Newman legacy leftovers).
Hold tight, and write till you bleed... in addition to your thoughts on the paper.
On the day I stumbled upon this molded plywood (pictured on the top), I realized that I don't actually have to be a “great” abstract expressionist in order to depict the atomic bomb explosion... because it was already depicted on the molded object. All I had to do is, take a picture of it, invert the colors, enhance the colors, and flip the image upside down.... Boom!
After accidentally cutting the palm of my hand with aluminum can, and after realizing that the cut looked like a very famous logo, I decided to do my diligent effort to promote this corporate giant. The sweatshop wage slaves need to be proud of their work, and they needed a powerful slogan. This same image also made it onto the cover of my 2019 magazine Why Money Sucks.
I don't mean to be interfering in the “expertise” of the “professional” art critics, but when I saw Louise Nevelson's Untitled, (1980 circa), I immediately knew that the art critics had missed something very important: it's a foldable mass-killing semiautomatic, folks.
In 2013 I decided to do a 100-year anniversary of Marcel Duchamp's famous Nude descending a stairway, (1913). His needed a more contemporary upgrade. Nowadays the posing woman is much less of a wooden tile assemblage, and much more of an object of desire (still with a brain made out of wood though).... By the way, I did several versions, but I am posting only the more appropriate ones. I also deviated from the figure and did another series with text: Nude descending a farewell to her... (to be disclosed). I will be posting this version one day, but not now because I have to blur out too many body parts.
In 2013 I decided to do a 100-year anniversary of Marcel Duchamp's famous Nude descending a stairway, (1913). His needed a more contemporary upgrade. Nowadays the posing woman is much less of a wooden tile assemblage, and much more of an object of desire (still with a brain made out of wood though).... By the way, I did several versions, but I am posting only the more appropriate ones. I also deviated from the figure and did another series with text: Nude descending a farewell to her... (to be disclosed). I will be posting this version one day, but not now because I have to blur out too many body parts.
Wow... I thought the Pentagon building was in Washington, but apparently not.... I had no idea that it was located right on my towel, while right after my showers I had been rubbing it the wrong way, aggravating it, and sparking it for warfare. So, I had been the one to aggravate the military industrial complex? Apparently so... and when opportunity for warfare is present, the sun is shining bright for the Pentagon. I really apologize to all the millions of deaths that I've caused by wiping off my ass with the towel.... On another note, when I took the picture of the towel, I noticed an interesting occurrence: the silhouette you see on the left side is actually Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World, (1948); she is sitting on the green lawn right in front of the Pentagon and staring at it.... What is she thinking? Hmm, yes, that's her world's bright future, right?
Since in contemporary times we are surrounded by so much garbage, we were totally due for a brand new art genre: Abstract garbage expressionism!
Since Andy Warhol turns ordinary objects into “artworks” and sells them for millions, I decided to turn this ordinary poverty object — a giant dust ball that was swept off the floor — paint the face of it in the Andy Warhol way, name the artwork, The face of poverty, and sell it.... Hello, any buyers... anybody? Uh, nobody! Nobody likes my sunfish lookalike.
With so much ocean pollution we now have a new whale specie: the garbage whale. But unfortunately this one has died and washed ashore... I wonder why!?
I can't believe that no “economist” has come with this formula yet: the poverty of an individual or family can be measured by sweeping their floor and measuring the accumulated dust with a ruler.
The garbage doomsday is nearing for the dinosaurs; their extinction is imminent. They are growling at each other about the garbage mess they're drowning in.
When during one of my jobs the credit card roll for receipts had finished, I paused.... I knew immediately that it had to be turned to “The end of a roll” artwork. The image was kept in my archives and wasn't created until over a decade later.
This roach was hiding at my job location. I am glad that nobody else saw it, because there would've been loud screams. I must've rescued it somehow by letting it out, but I can't remember how.
I had no idea that my shower's drain cover stains had turned it to a valuable abstract expressionist piece.
A valuable Joan Miró rather!
I want to clarify that by no means I was intending to offend anybody with my recycled holiday card. Since holidays are a cyclical brainwash inserted in our heads by none other than the biggest culprit of them all – culture – it dawned on me, why not recycle a card from the previous year and mail it to the same folks!? So, I erased the names and appropriately corrected the writing in red. (By the way, jms is the abbreviation that I use for James. People around me know about it.)
Would you rather have 2000 years of boring Christmas tree mental exposure, or playful 2 second photo exposure! I'd rather stay away from the repetitive cultural “Groundhog day.”
This project is slightly different than the 2009 version. This is a life situation documented as performance and conceptual art.... Breeding dust in a cluttered apartment is very easy; it accumulates very fast – within days, weeks, and months. Breathing dust in that same apartment is also very easy; it's a result of the surrounding poverty-related clutter. (I want to clarify that I am not the originator of the dust breeding; Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray are credited with it.)
What do you do when you get injured on the job? You collect the dry-roasted evidence.
Poor thing, it has a lot on his mind, doesn't it? It has endured quite a bit of toxic fume accumulation in its life, so now it's time to vent off all the frustration. Not only in has lost its soft white plumage, but it has also been breathing all the toxic fumes from the human asses... and now it needs to cough it up (in the form of yellow toxic haze).
What did the first photo of human interaction depict? Mr. Haves having his shoes shined by who else but one of the many have-nots. (Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, Boulevard du Temple, 1838, daguerreotype) Welcome to the real world folks!
I taped the blue tape on my desk in 2005, and since that time, it was always beside me (on the side of my desk) as an installation. But in 2013, I decide it to rediscover it, to remove it, and to dedicate an artwork to it: a picture of the rediscovery. Then the tape went back on the desk... until 2023 when the desk was replaced by a new one.
It's a metaphor for scarcity of food.
Not only every day poverty chews on him little-by-little, but now a human too will eat him completely? He sure is sad, what else do we expect him to be... happy?
If artworks need to be well-framed, why not plywood? Let's frame it with folk art frame.
Why do an x-ray of your body after your continuous abuse of soda pop, when you can just do the x-ray of the glass with the drink in it! The x-ray shows quite a bit of damage, doesn't it?
Yes, I know! The more corporations keep us separated, the better they can control us!
You analyze the interior of a person by the exterior appearance of their shoes! Interior with piano, (1901), by Vilhelm Hammershoi. Aside from the visual pun, if you want to find out why wage slaving for the rich folks' entertainment is not the right direction for our humanity, you can check out my semi-autobiographical novel and my nonfiction books about the negative effects of the monetary culture – which creates quite a bit of monetary wealth for the few savvy profiteers, while also creating quite a bit of wage slaves: the vast majority of people in the world.
When I took this picture I immediately knew that I would appreciate the staring. There is something Joan Miro going on there, isn't there?
Andy Warhol and Barnett Newman collaboratively exploiting Van Gogh’s misery.
Unsmeared bulletin board answer for the wage slaves who are smeared every day in humiliation by their shitty pay. I kept this image for over a decade; I knew that there will be some upcoming joke, but it took me until 2024 to do the text.
When I realized that there was a question mark about what the little tiny (shaved) hairs are doing (in my sink), I had to put the image aside. I knew that they were metaphor for humans who are struggling to climb the steep wall, but why were they climbing it? In 2024 when I was launching my site, I revisited this image... and that's when I realized what the struggling people were doing, and what the question mark was about! Look up Sebastian Salgado's photos of the gold mine rush in 1986!
This is a scan of two poems that I wrote in my notebook. The two artistic creations (after the introductory first sentences) are a variant of one of my favorite poems that I've done – that can be found in both, my WARhymes and This Sick Poverty poetry books in several different variants. With the line, “I love it how this country teaches me…” I repetitively make the claim that “with garbage it gravely enriches me.” As one of my favorites poems, I kept repeating this line so many times in my head that I essentially created several different versions of the poem. Well, this version is even artistic, which I didn't include in my poetry books (because the artistry couldn't be read, but now it instead had to be visualized. What happens is that where what is supposed to be written words with meaning – essentially start to deform to shapes of non-words with non-meaning. But, hold on: There is still a meaning! When the written words are deformed to meaningless shapes, the meaning of the poem takes a different context: scrabbles and patches of nonsense shapes, which are exactly “the garbage” that I depict in the poems.
In the “high art” business world, you always need to have a strategic and progressive linear thinking... and you always have to aim for the skies. Due to the nature of the competitive business beast, and due to the need to stay ahead of the game and maintain the “high art” profits high all the time, two big names in the “high art” world (one, famous for painting lines, and the other, famous for painting clouds), have announced a corporate merger!
On a beautiful day, prior to his normal day chore of painting lines, world class “high art” artist Barnett Newman, steps outside of his art studio to have his cup of morning coffee; he looks up at the beautiful skies and smells the “fresh air”.... But suddenly he is in awe at this godly, massive, beautiful chemical creation 30,000 feet right above his head: A chemtrail! It's a line so big that no master line painter like Barnett Newman can ever paint; only a God can paint such massive line.... But, there is no time to waste... it's time to make more money!
Even master class “high art” experts, like Barnett Newman, can make mistakes and doze off on the canvas while painting his world-class best horizontal lines.... Nevertheless, the piece will still be sold for high profits!
Jealousy in the “high art” world is not uncommon; it leads to smoking, alcoholism, drugs, bath salts... and all kinds of escapist behaviors. In this case, master line painter, Barnett Newman, attempts to recreate the famous American Flag art by Jasper Johns.... He is high on bath salts. The vibrant red lines are amazing, aren't they? To be high in the “high art” world, one needs to think outside the box!
Even when “high art” line-painting masters are in prison (for reasons that are none of our business), the master never stops being a master. In this artwork, Barnett Newman scratches on the wall in his prison cell. Notice that he is not scratching profanity like low class prisoners do. Instead, he is scratching what makes him one of the best abstract expressionist painters ever: He is scratching lines!
Even when “high art” expert line-painters like Barnett Newman are drunk, the drunkenness does not ruin the master.
The creativity of “high art” masters never stops. Just like Picaso's Guernica, here, world class abstract expressionist line-painter Barnett Newman, depicts the agony of nuclear war: Running and frightened white horse being shot right on its neck by a nuclear weapon!
“High art” collectors be aware: A valuable Franz Kline has been discovered in nature! I wouldn't wait for too long if I was on your place; go to the nature, erect it, and put it in the art gallery.
Marcel Duchamp's readymades were ordinary objects made to be art. I needed to do an up-to-date version of the readymades, and since poverty is very rampant nowadays, it was appropriate to make the readymades into poverty readymades. They were supposed to be an ongoing series, but I didn't get to follow up, and ended up only with a few artworks. In this example you can see how my wall AC' leak had stained the piece of plywood and created the Atomic Bomb of Poverty – an artwork on its own.
This poverty readymade should make me a lot of money, shouldn't it? It's an accidental Clyfford Still. Art appraisers, what are you waiting for?
This poverty readymade is self-explanatory: A giant plywood with a stain that resembles a ------. It's an accidental masterclass Georgia O'Keeffe, isn't it? Art appraisers, what are you waiting for?
I decided to do a fake Joan Miro.... Art appraisers, what are you waiting for! I am waiting for your money, you're waiting for my fakery, right?
The only problem was that I couldn't figure out how to scoop up nature and sell it to the art dealers.
I was surprised to see that after (in the absence of a female partner) I finished doing my mundane sin, (of all things) God had actually blessed me! Wait a minute.... If the cross is actually my creation, and I happened to be a human, then... then... then, all the crosses are our humanity's creation, aren't they? Oh no.... Maybe I should just stop with the mental masturbation... just as I did with the toilet one.
When I saw this image on the main web page of Big corporate brother, I felt urge to elaborate. When Big corporate brother starts acting like your friend, and starts appropriating social commentary from social revolutionaries (so it can try to trick you that the corporation is also your friend), remind the corporation what the social revolutionary had in mind about the savvy profiteers: “When men arrive at the point of making money a god they become more concerned with what they can get out of society than with what they can give to society in terms of service....” — Martin Luther King Jr.
The “sexually harassing male construction workers” turning to rapists, and inseminating the egg. Male construction workers are always to blame, right? If you are not outraged enough, here they are no longer harassing the woman, but inseminating her.
After my sinful creation in the toilet, I realized that it was asking me a question: Y? Indeed why is it so difficult to get a female partner so that I don't have to be doing such stupidities on my own!? Because the contemporary connective culture between women and men is dysfunctional, and makes loners out of us fools.
Today, we not only have skyscrapers, but skinscrapers too!
Ruining your beautiful sunrise, so you can turn around and go to your ugly wage slaving.
In 2011 I took the opportunity to ride the wave of the Occupy Wall Street momentum, and to include my protest through a “social media” message too. This written statement was posted somewhere along the thousands of other complaints of other wage slaves and bottom feeders. In retrospect I no longer support the view that the upper 1% are to take full blame. Just as the poor, they too are followers of an outdated culture. The problem is not particular type of savvy profiteers, but our outdated culture that does not present plan B to us: the non-profiting way of living. In the Introduction and the Origin of money chapters in my How Not To Make Money nonfiction, I clarify that by continuing a monetary culture, some will become more savvy in the obtaining of money, while most will not. This view is also repeated in my non-released yet semi-autobiographical novel about the monetary culture. In retrospect, the momentum sucked me into the wave of complaints; if I have to change my comment now, I'd change that, we are the 100%, not the 99%. We are the parochial identity sheeple who, by following outdated modes of living, are creating our own problems: the problems fall onto the backs of the unsavvy. Keep in mind that if the savvy profiteers didn't have customers (the 99%), they wouldn't become the greedy profiteers that we point fingers at.
Franz Kline on blood thinners depicting a spider.
Franz Kline on blood thinners depicting a bunny head.
Headlines we missed from the “high art” world: Newly discovered Franz Kline turns out to be magnetic tape! Art collector files lawsuit against the art appraiser.
Many artists have attempted to pull off a Jackson Pollock. I decided to give it a shot too... with the use of Scotch tape.
More Jackson Pollock garbage edition works. Look at these beautiful Pollocks done not with action painting (like Pollock did), but with action sticking! Art appraisers, where are you!?
When I saw the picture of the man-made super-flu, I was astounded to see the smartness of the virus; it had reshaped itself to mock a dead person. The only thing missing was the flowers, so I added them.
Being negatively affected by poverty, you never know what creative new ideas one will come up with next. I was tempted to try to make quick money by selling 2 somewhat similar fake replicas of Mark Rothko's No. 21 and No. 14, (1949 and 1960). I took pictures of my bath tiles which were covered in mold; then I colored the pictures in vivid red color (the Mark Rothko signature color).... But right before fooling the “expert” “high art” appraisers, I felt remorse and gave up on making profits out of... normal poverty-related scenery.
In 2011, while browsing the shelves in a thrift store, I stumbled upon several undiscovered Mark Rothko — Malevich collaborative projects. You can tell right away the expertise of the Mark Rothko specialty blue color combined with the expertise of the Malevich specialty rectangles. Art appraisers, you need to look into this!
Creating an artwork in the Georgia O'Keeffe style is actually not difficult at all; in this example, I just had to take a picture of a flower and modify the colors. I call it the Georgia O'Keeffe's Night Vision Flower. You can also make things even easier: just buy watermelon or citrus fruit; and take a picture of the insides before you eat them. The name of the citrus closeup is, Georgia O'Keeffe's The Tree of Life.
In this night-time lift off, the fireball beneath the rocket lights up the night sky... the rusty night sky and clouds behind.
I can't recall how I stumbled on this underwear package label, but the designer may have been trying to be metaphorical: Men, be alert: The small numbers must grow! Do you wanna be a macho man, or not? The male's organ is all about numbers; small size equals lesser amount of numbers; the more they increase, the more his organ grows. But just to clarify, the numbers are not only sexual prowess; they are not only representatives of his organ's length; they are also representatives of his monetary wealth success. High numbers equal high status.
“Despots prefer the friendship of the dog, who, unjustly mistreated and debased, still loves and serves the man who wronged him.” It's interesting how Charles Fourier came up with this quote over a century before Hitler!
In 2010 I created this aerial photo reconstructed shape of Manhattan island. It is a mockery of the Absolute vodka advertisement from the 1990s. In their version, Central Park is in the shape of a vodka bottle. But in my version, the entire island is a $ sign. Since profiting in Manhattan is so deeply sedimented into the island, the tectonic plates have taken into account that the whole geography is only about business, and have reshaped the island to resemble a breeding ground for profiting.
Who would've thought that high-art abstract expressionism can be created not by a professional abstract expressionist, but by high fructose corn syrup itself? All you have to do is place the sugary drinks on the cardboard tray... and the high-art abstract expressionism starts to pop out. Art appraisers, what are you waiting for? Open your eyes!
Seeing this advertisement on the pages of a magazine, I couldn't resist, and I had to edit their lettering in red color.
It's interesting that many logo designers have done the planet earth logo, but they have done so as service to their customers and clients, not as service to the planet. I decided to dedicate this one as service to the planet.
Look, I am not a troublemaker! Of course, I wouldn't want to aggravate BIG brother... how would I dare do such thing, right? In one of my jobs, I kept looking at the discrimination warning government poster, and kept grinding my teeth sarcastically, because (economic class) discrimination was missing.... So, I went ahead and put the sticky note there just to take the picture, and that's it; and I didn't leave it there. (I can't recall if I showed off my sarcasm to any of my coworkers or not.) So, what would happen if the “law prohibits discrimination based on” economic class? The whole tangled system of monetary interactions will collapse, because it is based on financial discrimination of the have-nots; they are supposed to have not enough money in order to be “incentivized” to work for the creation of our goods and services. Just to envision what it would look like for the law to prohibit economic discrimination: it would mean that somehow magically the government has to go after every business (and after itself too) and prohibit the low pay of all the wage slaves. If that started to happen, then the monetary way of living starts to collapse, because money requires the promulgation of wage slaving have-nots who are always paid not enough money in order to remain the working class. The codified political system (with the judicial system being its police officer), is a protector of the monetary interactions between people, in which the savvy haves will always win. For the political system to intervene and try to curb down the discriminatory behaviors of the savvy haves, it would mean that it would have to go after every business transaction and after itself too (because in a monetary way of living the government also operates with money and discriminates the have-nots).
A popular talk-show host regarding Julian Assange: “I'm not for the death penalty, so if I'm not for the death penalty what you wanna do is, illegally shoot the son of a bitch.”... This is what happens when the motivation to protect a cultural creation (in this case, the protection of “government”) overwhelms your sanity to the point that you are turning against your own species in favor for the culture that it has created. In the contemporary view, the artificially created notions of money, governments, states, (and so forth), become more important than the humans themselves; and we lose our humanness. What we had prior to the Neolithic ages, collaborative behaviors for hundreds of centuries, was lost; we grew “smart” asses out of us, and we are now able to amp up and turn ourselves against each other.
The popular expression, “Whatever floats your boat” needed to be combined with an aircraft carrier. What is it that floats the big warrior boat? Muscles! So, I removed the entire keel of the boat that supports the platform on the top, and replace it with muscles. But unfortunately when we let the muscles to guide us (humanity) on the proper direction, the result is that they guide us in the flawed direction! Notice that I stuck a planet earth on the top of the aircraft carrier's antenna. What is the agenda on the radar? The whole planet! Of course that with this image I am conveying humor and sarcasm; but if you want to go on a more serious note, you can check out my semi-autobiographical novel and my nonfiction books about the negative effects of the monetary culture, which creates our clashing politics. And who wins in the politics among nations? Muscles!
I assume that the advertisement creators were quite absentminded when they published this ad. If they were not, then I am really sorry for their brainwash.
I am amazed at the “high art” collectors' absentmindedness. Million dollar abstract expressionist works can be found right in our garbage cans.... So, what are you guys doing? Wake up, start digging in the dumpsters, and start doing profitable high-art business!
The Depressure Washer GTX2000 is not just any kind of depressure washer. It is a must have for any wage slave: This beast will suck out all of your mental problems that have accumulated throughout your awful day at work.
In 2009 I decided to do a retrospective of the 2004 Presidential Inauguration of George Bush. I thought about the legacy and the success of the presidential duration... and what came to mind was, Frank Stella's Luncheon on the grass, (Plum Island, 1958).... I needed to create something very similar, and in the same abstract expressionistic way. I found the official photo of the presidential oath swearing... and turned it into a luncheon on the grass.
I am pretty sure that the usual “God Bless America” sticker's meaning is inaccurate, and it was due for rewording. So, I decided to correct it: God Bless The Banking System! America is just a cultural interpretation of a geographic region of wage slaves; but what makes the wage slaves to keep wage slaving is the banks.... God bless those saints!
Since the dumb men are always looking for a “perfect 10 piece of meat,” because they see only bodies with no loving personalities, I decided to help them out by blending the women with the meat; so, that makes them even more tasty for the hungry men. Enjoy it men! This was supposed to be an ongoing series, but like so many of my other projects, I didn't follow up with more images.
This photo is not my creation; I just took the picture. I am weird, but not as weird as big business.... When the medication is given as a gift to the sick, the business-and-life blend appears straight out of the Idiocracy movie (2006).... The only thing missing in this inadvertent parody is the, Thank you for taking the pill label!
I had started the initial stages of blending Man Ray's Dust Breeding picture with a smog filled city, but due to time constraints I had abandoned the project. In 2024, when I was launching my site, I revisited and completed the project quickly; it's not as sharp as I wanted it, but you get the point: Dust breathing! This project uses the same idea as the Dust Breathing (2013) project, but is depicted in a different way.
Looking at the news headline and the juxtaposition of the photos, I couldn't bare but to point out the resemblance.
Since we keep running out of new ideas in the “high art” world, why don't we just start framing our used dirty plates? The idea was to make this project a series where I will take a picture of my plate after the meal's been eaten, but due to my head being everywhere (at once), I didn't continue the dirty plate series.
In 2008 I decided to do the garbage picture series where I will photograph my garbage once a week or so before throwing it away. But again, due to being involved in many other projects at the same time, I didn't follow up, and I ended up only with 2 pictures.
When I saw the photo of this aircraft carrier, I immediately realized that something very important was missing: The motivation of the navy to engage in warfare! So, I decided to redesign the aircraft carrier signage with motivational wording. Right in front of the ship the message of what this ship is about needs to be visible: USS Wall Street Nucula' Striker. Then, the message in red is for the navy pilots who are landing back onto the aircraft carrier: Don't you land back here loaded! Then, the motivational words for the pilots who are flying out on a mission: Fry 'em! Go kill 'em now! Ideally, you'd want the officers to be excited and asking: “Mr. President, where are we going next?” Redesigning the aircraft carrier to have such motivational language for the navy personnel would result in greater punishing of the enemy, wouldn't it? Moreover, it will make the military industrial complex happier, wouldn't it? I need to pitch this concept to the war machine right away!
After this accidental ribbon for peace was created, I wondered whether we can all live in peace one day? Ever since culture started to invent its own non-necessity abiding protocols, more or less some kind of wars have been ongoing. If the necessities for life are available for people to access them, there is no spark in the human to engage in hostility; but through the adaptation of the monetary culture (hence, the preservation of scarcity of products and services), when the necessities are not available, hostility to get even or above, is itching. I cover these topics very deeply in my semi-autobiographical novel and my nonfiction books about the monetary culture and the solutions to the havoc it has wrecked.
Whether going back to work or getting to know God, both, the state and the church are very clear that your hands must be clear prior!
When the wheels of “liberty” and “freedom” rescued you from slavery they, also provided your riding wheels for your wage slaving! When in October of 2006 I saw the flag slapped onto the wage slaves' vehicle, I immediately knew that I needed to snap a picture of it and point out the hypocrisy. Unfortunately, due to all kinds of financial circumstances, like many of my other projects this image also started to collected dust inside my computer... until I added the text in 2024 when I was launching my site.
Modernizing Duchamp's The bride stripped bare by her bachelors, so that it is more easily absorbed by modern art lovers who seek “retinal” art.
Discovered (at home) after years of not being a million dollar artwork.... Congratulations!
Why is the world upside-down? It's already upside-down anyway! (This project had been on the plans for over two decades, and finally I did it in 2024.)
Thank you for massaging my lil' tummy, mamma!
Is Michelangelo's Battle of Cascina, actually a battle against monster chicken pox? I mean, look at the size of that chicken pox on their bodies!
I took a screen-capture of this web page in 2003 because the question mark and the answer to the question (being on the same page) was bothering me. If I could see the answer, couldn't the news organizations see it? Apparently not. In 2024 after digging through my archives I finally got to complete this conceptual art.
Who would've thought that Picasso and Braque were not the origin of the 20th century cubism art movement? The origin actually dates 500 years before them!?
This is a magazine cutout of the 2000-2001 L. Freud portrait of the Queen. My added text is: I like it when society has treated me like a queen my whole life... but really, it's a bit unfair to be one.
I didn't do this drawing, and I only added the red text below! I agree that the artist is skilled in the technical execution of the drawing... however the depicted situations is a bit puzzling, and I don't know if the artist realized it.... We don't like to have people right beside our shoulder... especially when we are counting money.
When in April 2002 a popular finance related magazine published an article of a businessman whose priority “the next day” after 9-11 was “to keep the business running,” I guess I had been living on Mars, because I didn't approve (while it was approved by a finance magazine). So, I wrote a letter to the editor of the magazine... as if the editor was going to agree with my complaint. Does an editor of a finance magazine understand that our monetary interactions are an invented never-well-functioning culture, and when a giant disaster of the 9-11 magnitude happens, we need to sit down and evaluate what we do on day-to-day basis? Or, are we immediately going to continue business (just as the businessman who was quoted in the magazine)? So, the following correspondence unfolded. (Click on my letter above to see the editor's response.) I will admit that unfortunately I am not high on compassion, but I am high on arrogance against an invented culture that has never done a good job at preserving the unity and the collaborative functions of its people. Such folks have no education to understand that their financial engagement (buying and selling) is a cultural nuance that has taken toll on everyone. That it takes a toll on the poor folks and the bad guys in every city and country around the world is understandable: it is simple cause & effect of impoverishment: we protect ourselves from the financial miseries that we cause to others. But, ironically the financial way of living also takes a toll on the middle classes and the rich folks too, and the editor of the magazine doesn't see it that way. The monetary way of living blinds people; I don't see anything normal about a person who lost 2 people at his job, and “the next day” he “was on the phone with other managers.” I quote him: “I wasn't in the best frame of mind, but my immediate thought was to keep the business running.”... I am sorry “civilized” society for devaluing your humans that much and treating them like they are players of a monopoly game.... Hopefully the end of the making-money culture is not far. (The photocopy of the 3 faces that I taped was assembled later for my notebook; the faces were copied from George Tooker, Cornice, (1949).
This is a photocopy of Ives Gammell's Haunted City, (1953), with a United We Stand label on the top of it. I subsequently changed the Stand to Stare with a red highlighter. Not only Ives' image depicts a smoking city with people who are staring more so than standing, but the image is also a metaphor for USA being clueless on why such disasters happen; of course, I was implying about the disaster from the previous year.
I made this (letter-size) sign that I had probably taped on the wall either at my job (at that time), or at the graphics' lab at my college. (What food I was offering, I have no recollection.) I later realized that something was missing in the sign, and I clarified it to myself (in my notebook): Free community food 4 hungry employees who are angry for being hungry! And since this regards the vast majority of people in the world, the employees, and there is nothing unusual about how they are systemically being treated by their own monetary system, why don't we actually rename the hungry employees to the hungry angries!? New dictionary word: Angries: typical employees who are in a constant state of hunger, and are constantly angry as a result of their mistreatment.
This is a reworked B&W photocopy of Paul Cadmus' Fidelma, (1937).... It is self explanatory.
This is a B&W photocopy of George Tooker's Cornice, (1949), with an added label that is self explanatory.
When money is the designer, the sheeple follow... and they all behave in tandem with each other to create this beautiful symmetry. Only the rich know how to understand it; but even if the poor know how to, it doesn't matter, because to join them and to start being profitable, you not only need to be in agreement with their narrow-minded symmetrical vision, but you also need to be rich and savvy like them to begin with.
Hmm, I thought that nuclear submarines are not going to come for another half century!
I don't want to be overstepping onto the “expertise” of art historians, but since Goya was quite the weirdo, I wonder if when he painted The old ones eating soup, (1820-23), he actually meant to depict what happened to the young ones that he depicted in 1777!? Ouch!