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My Magnum Opus situational performance art about the faulty contemporary interactions and connections between women and men.
Title undisclosed yet.Semi-autobiographical novel

This semi-autobiographical novel is my Magnum Opus. It reveals my real-life grand situational performance art: my “bread and butter” which has lasted for approximately quarter of a century already. But in this book, my performance is modified and depicted to fit within the criteria of the semi-autobiographical novel. Here, it is me versus the unsound interactive and connective behaviors of poorly-educated women. I consider this to be my favorite art project ever. I want to emphasize that this is a situational performance art, and I am not performing it 24-7. I have performed this only in particular situations with women; and it is a behavioral performance with no cameras involved and no illegal actions. Since there is no recording devices for this performance (except for my brain), writing down about my experiences was the only solution for me to show what the performance is about.... But since my semi-autobiographical story should have plots and twists, who will be the fictional character that the protagonist actually turns out to be? The surprise will be revealed in this complete version of the book.

Feminism… but Without Females?
Feminism... but Without Females?Semi-autobiographical novel

This is the introductory sampler book which is the opening for the disclosure of my favorite situational performance art. This book is basically a premature publishing of my Magnum Opus' introduction. But even though this book contains several introductory chapters, I am still not disclosing my situational performance art here; it will be disclosed in the complete version of the book, and also as a separate booklet which will be only about the performance; however, since the semi-autobiographical story contains a few hints here and there, a keen eye may figure it out prior to the publishing.... Think of this book as a blend between Jean Jacques Roussea's Emile and Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex; and pick B. F. Skinner as a narrator. Add to it a lot of monologues and dialogues related to the improvement of women's and men's interactions and connections. Then, envision the protagonist as a naive, unique, and introverted situational performance artist – a Marcel Duchamp or Joseph Beuys of sorts... who will be starting lots fires by clashing against a crusted culture. Yes, an outdated culture is his target: a culture which has lost its credibility on its function to bond woman and man in proper healthy interactions and connections.

The Missing Love book.
The Missing LoveNonfiction

This is the introductory nonfiction sampler regarding the faulty contemporary interactions and connections between women and men. This is also one of my favorite books, and it's a coin toss whether I like the semi-autobiographical or this nonfiction version more; moreover, they are not for the faint of heart, as both, the semi-autobiographical and the nonfiction books, are didactic and assertive.... This nonfiction sampler contains: 1) Introduction chapter, which is a short autobiographical description about my interactions and connections with women; 2) Biology chapter; 3) Culture chapter.... Just as the complete and short versions of my semi-autobiographical novels, think of this nonfiction too as a blend between Jean Jacques Roussea's Emile and Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex; and pick B. F. Skinner as a narrator.

No Feminism, but Egalitarian Values book.
No Feminism, but Egalitarian Values!Nonfiction

This is an upcoming book that is not ready for publishing yet. In this book I cover why feminism has rather turned to “female-ism” (term coined by anthropologist Lionel Tiger); and why remnants of the 2nd wave in the 70s-80s, the 3rd wave in the 90s, and the contemporary 4th wave in particular, are far from promoting egalitarian values between women and men. Why? Because the “identity” obsession took off and never looked back. So, instead of promoting of successful interactions and connections between women and men, feminism turned to “female-ism.” Well, its time has come... to dissolve the “female-ism” obsession, to retire the divisive feminist word, and to promote effective interactive and connective values between women and men.

My Situational Performance Art about the monetary culture depicted within a semi-autobiographical novel.
Title undisclosed yet.Semi-autobiographical novel

This is my second favorite situational performance art depicted within a semi-autobiographical novel. (The title is deliberately blurred and will not be disclosed until publishing.) Here, it is me versus the profiting parochial identity behaviors of others. This performance started in 2004 and was interrupted in 2023. Just as my other situational performance art, I want to emphasize that this one is also a situational performance art, and I am not performing it 24-7. This performance was performed during my working employment from 2004 to 2023, and it is, again, a behavioral performance with no cameras involved.

How Not to Make Money book.
How Not to Make MoneyNonfiction

This is a nonfiction sampler regarding the problems of the monetary culture, and the upcoming solutions. This book is up there with some of my favorite works that I've accomplished. The solutions will be covered in the complete book. In this sampler I disclose only the introductory chapters: short autobiography about how I grew a distaste of the monetary culture, introduction to Money, and Origin of money.... No, I am not an “economist” to be making such bold claims – that the monetary culture is the worst culture that humanity has ever created for itself, but since I am a human who happens to live on planet Earth, and I happen to have real life experiences... well, this is my and your home; and on behalf of everyone, I demand that we need to behave in a nondestructive cultural manner... not behave like lunatics who are playing a monopoly game. (How Not to Make Money: 3-page excerpt in PDF format, 2-2025 edit.)

Why Money $uck$ magazine.
Why Money $ucks magazineMagazine

In 2019 I created the preliminary 3000 copies of the advertisement-free Why Money $ucks magazine.... Oh, what a surprise; of course that the title of the magazine and the still ongoing delay for the publishing of the next issue, are totally related. If funding catches up, look forward to the release of the second issue.... To clarify my intention for this magazine: I want this to be a global magazine that reaches all corners of the planet; I want this magazine to awaken the masses and enlighten them on what kind of culture they are accepting to live in... but in addition to that, to also provide solutions, a plan B, to the monetary culture: a non-monetary culture.... My intention for the website is to make it a hub for criticism of the monetary culture – by worldwide viewers who will post their own frustrations about the monetary culture they live in. (If you are a web-developer and you would like to help with the back-end coding of the site, keep in mind that this is not a paid project, and I will not be selling products through the website and the magazine.)

Cat Poetry book.
Cat PoetryPoems

I have had many cats since I was little. While I have taken hundreds of cat pictures and videos over the years, it's about time to show my cat poetry and cat-related comments.

Dumb Whoretry book
Dumb WhoretryPoems

Dumb Whoretry is not ready for publishing yet. It will be my poetic recollection of the unfortunate passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing behaviors of the uncivilized, sexist- and sexually-harassing “second sex.” But if you want to find out, why passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing are a horrible way to start the building of connections, see my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books about the present-day dysfunctional interactive and connective behaviors between women and men.

Poinsectry: poems about insects.

Poinsectry: little bug rhymes.... Having more of introverted tendencies, I tend to fixate on things that the extroverted people don't pay attention to. It's not once or twice that I've been trying to rescue, little bugs... and even bigger ones too, like roaches.

Pooetry and PooProse book.
Pooetry and PooProsePoems

How many times we have to hear only about food poems and truisms.... Well, it's about time to discuss, and read poetry, about what happens to that food after it's been ingested. This is guaranteed to become the best book for your toilet reading experience. Whether you're having constipation or diarrhea, these pages will ease your experience. But just in case it is a messy diarrhea, try not to use these pages as toilet paper!

Rhyming, Surrealistic, Dadaistic... and Quite Often Pessimistic: 1 long poem book.
Rhyming, Surrealistic, DadaisticPoems

This is actually only one single but ongoing poem. The rhyming style of this poem is as free as it can get. Enjoy the Rhyming, Surrealistic, Dadaistic... and Quite Often Pessimistic poem.

Sleepoems and Sleeprose book.
Sleepoems and SleeprosePoems

The horizontal sleeping event has gained so much praise in poetry and prose over the centuries, but surprisingly nobody has called it out on the massive waste of time. Yes, that's 1/3 of our lives being lost in sleeping. So, if nobody will call out the sleeping stupidity for its atrocities against our will to remain fully conscious 24-7, I will!

This Sick Poverty poetry
This Sick PovertyPoems

If you are a bottom feeder or a wage slave, don't worry because you can at least laugh at the misery.

Warhymes poems.

Warhymes: war poetry for before you get killed by your own war machine. Enjoy your nuclear winter with an enticing rhyming war poetry... and try to ignore your growling stomach.

Stanzzaperz poems.

Collection of rhyming poems scratchin' on the surface of very serious issues slimy n' quite disgusting nose tissues.

Automatic Writings essays.
Automatic WritingsEssays

Following the surrealistic principle of “pure psychic automatism” as André Breton coined it, 100-years later I am joining the surrealists and I am giving the automatic writing a shot... by disconnecting my sanity from my typing fingers.

Our civilized humanity's dysfunctional future essays.
Our “Civilized” Humanity's Dysfunctional FutureEssays

Humorous short essays about our humanity's “progressing” prosperity.

Falsisms jokes.

It seems that people get fascinated with truisms... but why not with Falsisms? Let's try!

Infected Bitings jokes.
Infected BitingsJokes

Compilation of my highly-anticipated, antiseptic, acclimatized, accentuated, and accumulated (writing) accumulations.

Our Blood Suckers Reflection jokes.
Our Blood-Suckers' ReflectionJokes

Mosquito jokes and metaphors. Except there is a catch: Guess who is the mosquito?

Scammed! (Just a hard cover of a book with no pages inside!)

The Empty Promises of Full-Force Profiting? Wait till you open the cover!

Simple guide for reversing many-many reversible issues book.
Simple Guide For Reversing Many-Many Reversible Issues!Jokes

I'm not kidding; this is an incredibly simple guide for reversing your many-many-many issues. It couldn't be any more simple than it already is! No complicated descriptions and explanations (like in the Automatic Writing book). Here, each reversible issue (as long as it is reversible), is described in just a simple sentence. At the end, you will appreciate the simplicity, and you will remain thoroughly informed on how to reverse your many-many-many reversible issues.

Некурегирани Писания книга
Некурегирани Писания!на Български

Некурегирани писания и Стихга-с-(тез)-творения Бе! Написани писания и стихотровения за разхвадкване на моралният стабилизатор на мозъка, и раздрусване на вокалните вокализаторчета, без внушени парчета и без плюшени мечета.

Бай Ганьо в България
Бай Ганьо в Българияна Български

Идеята за Бай Ганьо в България беше от преди много години. Но, най накрая по средата на 2024 като посещавах България, ми дойде възможност да я напиша... и на това отгоре на телефонът ми защото нямах компютър. Докато това есе включва само няколко процента от информацията която дискутирам във моята книга, Как Да Не Се Правят Пари (How Not To Make Money), то не е превод от Английският ми материал, а е спецялно написано за Българските читатели; естествено, говоря само за тези които още не са ме намразили.