The B&W drawings and doodlings have no boundaries. Whatever comes on my mind is drawn on the paper; some of these were even drawn during my classes. (Sorry to my teachers.) The vast majority of works here were done in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
The B&W drawings and doodlings have no boundaries. Whatever comes on my mind is drawn on the paper; some of these were even drawn during my classes. (Sorry to my teachers.) The vast majority of works here were done in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
What in the world are these? The Space Fillers are mostly drawings that are filling a page of my notebook. Why am I drawing on my notebook as opposed on a blank piece of paper? Sometimes it is because I feel that it needs a drawing; and sometimes it is because I have estimated that if I was writing a poem for example, I need to start the poem on a fresh new page and the current page needs to be filled with the Space Filler.... And why in the world I do the drawing in one try without lifting the pen? Because if I am really filling the space, why is my filling action abrupt? Shouldn't the action be continuous? That's right! If filling is a continuous action, then the pen must not leave the paper when I am filling. In the later versions of the Space Filler series, I changed the rules, and I started doing the drawings only in one try without lifting the pen. So, this is the unique niche that is pertinent to this series of drawings: the filling continuity.
This one was done in time when I was grieving for the loss of my cat.
The peculiar thing about this space filler is that it is a continuation from the previous space filler #17, which was done in the previous notebook. So, this space filler drawing is also a performance art.
The peculiar thing about this space filler is that this was the last page of this current notebook... so, I decided to flow the filling line right into the next notebook; in essence, this space filler drawing #17 is also a performance art that flows into space filler #18.
This is not only a space filler in my notebook, but the line “with garbage it gravely enriches me” is the last line from a rant from the previous page. What is the rant that I wrote in the previous page? I ♥ it how (this) dysfunctry teaches me... with garbage it gravely enriches me.
This is not only a space filler in my notebook, but the line “to be declared ownership” is the last line from the joke that I wrote in the previous page. What is the joke that I wrote in the previous page? Cats most likely don't seem to understand that in Capitalism all property is bought & sold, not just marked with unpleasant odor... to be declared ownership.
This is one of my favorite series of artworks. All the drawings in this series are done on chocolate trays for chocolate bars that I used to buy (and, of course, consume). This is a series of drawings that I did for several years, but I didn't follow up after that, because apparently the chocolate trays changed from cardboard to plastic.... What is supposed to be on a chocolate tray? Something everyone likes... but instead, sadly you find distortion and failure.
Even though this one has color, I will keep it here in the B&W section, because it belongs to the same series.
This seems to be the very first one from the Chocolate Tray series!
This drawing is also a precursor to the later Chocolate Tray series. It is done on a brown cardboard, but it is not on a chocolate tray!
This drawing is a precursor to the Chocolate Tray series, but it is not part of it; it was done on brown cardboard.
This drawing is a precursor to the Chocolate Tray series, but it is not part of it; it was done on brown cardboard.
This drawing is a precursor to the Chocolate Tray series, but it is not part of it; it was done on brown cardboard. (This also has added color, but I decided to keep it here in the B&W section.)