Who is the corporatocratic harasser? Of course, we are speaking about no other than the government that is supposed to govern. (The word corporatocracy was coined by Chris Hedges, not by me.) However, before I continue with my sarcastic comments about why the government doesn't serve its people, I need to clarify that a bad government is not a root cause of our humanity's necessity-obtaining problems, because a government is an entity that grows in order to command the shuffling of money, the dynamics of trading and marketing, and to strive in the obtaining of resources for its own nationalistic agendas. Governments (made of nations, states, countries, and other types of regions) are large tribes that engage in competitive and hostile behaviors against other tribes. But in addition to that, taking control of its population, a government does not want to evolve over the years; it wants to remain as it is, and it will do so even when it doesn't necessarily have the answers about how to improve the lives of its population. Who is the father of government? A dysfunctional culture which enables the forming of a government. So, I want to be very clear that a government is the result of a dysfunctional culture! If you want to find out more about how to outgrow a government by outgrowing our own culture which supports the pinning of people against each other in competitive profit-driven behaviors, you can check out my How Not To Make Money nonfiction book about the negative effects of the monetary culture. The book also provides solutions on how to outgrow our behaviors from engaging in what is not effective for us on daily basis.... Back to the topic: this series is divided on several sub-topics.... First, I was supposed to answer 100 questions to my harasser and assure it that I will be a good “citizen,” because apparently I never was a citizen even though I had been serving my harasser by working for it and paying taxes for approximately quarter of a century already. Today, a government questions its people with intimidating questions in the same way centuries ago the church used to intimidate the people. When Big Brother is questioning you, it crushes your spirit and it makes you submissive and obedient. Well, what else is it to do? If it doesn't intimidate, then it wouldn't be the ruler! While it is ironic, it is also comical that we live in such an outdated culture. When the corporatocratic harasser asked me to answer its questions in order for me to become a “citizen,” I did answer my harasser by providing the answers that I was instructed to provide; in other words, I put on a fake face and I respond to my harasser's phony questions. Essentially, I was patting the government on its back. That however wasn't digesting well with me because my heart was full of sarcasm, and I needed to inform the public about the real answers to the phony questions: the series of selected questions & answers are the real answers that my harasser never got to see. Notice that on the background of the images, I flipped the flag so that the flag's stars are on the bottom, because I needed to remind the wage slaving folks that – aiming high up for the stars ain't gonna work for 'em, 'cause they're expected to be wage slaves and abide to their elite masters.... Also, during my questioning I decided to do a situational performance art: I wore my sarcasm by numerically barcoding the statement – The Harassment – right above my wrist; and in addition to that I wore socks that have embroidered The Scream by Edvard Munch; I did so, to remind myself that I was in a state of screaming.... The other sub-topic of this series is the successful indoctrination, in which I became a “citizen.” During the ceremony, I did another situational performance art: Again, I wore The Scream socks, but this time I numerically barcoded another statement above my wrist: Successfully Indoctrinated!