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▼ The Authoritarian Corporatocratic Harasser ▼

Introduction to The Authoritarian Corporatocratic Harasser.
Introduction to The Authoritarian Corporatocratic HarasserID: CC3-047

Who is the corporatocratic harasser? Of course, we are speaking about no other than the government that is supposed to govern. (The word corporatocracy was coined by Chris Hedges, not by me.) However, before I continue with my sarcastic comments about why the government doesn't serve its people, I need to clarify that a bad government is not a root cause of our humanity's necessity-obtaining problems, because a government is an entity that grows in order to command the shuffling of money, the dynamics of trading and marketing, and to strive in the obtaining of resources for its own nationalistic agendas. Governments (made of nations, states, countries, and other types of regions) are large tribes that engage in competitive and hostile behaviors against other tribes. But in addition to that, taking control of its population, a government does not want to evolve over the years; it wants to remain as it is, and it will do so even when it doesn't necessarily have the answers about how to improve the lives of its population. Who is the father of government? A dysfunctional culture which enables the forming of a government. So, I want to be very clear that a government is the result of a dysfunctional culture! If you want to find out more about how to outgrow a government by outgrowing our own culture which supports the pinning of people against each other in competitive profit-driven behaviors, you can check out my How Not To Make Money nonfiction book about the negative effects of the monetary culture. The book also provides solutions on how to outgrow our behaviors from engaging in what is not effective for us on daily basis.... Back to the topic: this series is divided on several sub-topics.... First, I was supposed to answer 100 questions to my harasser and assure it that I will be a good “citizen,” because apparently I never was a citizen even though I had been serving my harasser by working for it and paying taxes for approximately quarter of a century already. Today, a government questions its people with intimidating questions in the same way centuries ago the church used to intimidate the people. When Big Brother is questioning you, it crushes your spirit and it makes you submissive and obedient. Well, what else is it to do? If it doesn't intimidate, then it wouldn't be the ruler! While it is ironic, it is also comical that we live in such an outdated culture. When the corporatocratic harasser asked me to answer its questions in order for me to become a “citizen,” I did answer my harasser by providing the answers that I was instructed to provide; in other words, I put on a fake face and I respond to my harasser's phony questions. Essentially, I was patting the government on its back. That however wasn't digesting well with me because my heart was full of sarcasm, and I needed to inform the public about the real answers to the phony questions: the series of selected questions & answers are the real answers that my harasser never got to see. Notice that on the background of the images, I flipped the flag so that the flag's stars are on the bottom, because I needed to remind the wage slaving folks that – aiming high up for the stars ain't gonna work for 'em, 'cause they're expected to be wage slaves and abide to their elite masters.... Also, during my questioning I decided to do a situational performance art: I wore my sarcasm by numerically barcoding the statement – The Harassment – right above my wrist; and in addition to that I wore socks that have embroidered The Scream by Edvard Munch; I did so, to remind myself that I was in a state of screaming.... The other sub-topic of this series is the successful indoctrination, in which I became a “citizen.” During the ceremony, I did another situational performance art: Again, I wore The Scream socks, but this time I numerically barcoded another statement above my wrist: Successfully Indoctrinated!

Questions & Answers booklet cover.
Questions & Answers booklet cover

This is the booklet I had to abide to. I scanned it, and on the top of the "Founding Fathers" I put my opening comment for the questions that I was about to answer: Ready to be spoonfed? Sure you are... you've been spoonfed all of your life... and the spoonfeeding didn't spare your ancestors either.... Well, open your mouth, ready?

Q&A 1.
Q&A 1 – What is the supreme law of the land?
The Constitution.

There is no “law” based on some kind of philosophical notion of the “Founding Fathers.” Humans are social and biological organisms, and if there is obstruction in our lives, then our physical and psychological abilities start to go downhill. If a detrimental factor is affecting person’s necessities to live well, then a “law” is meaningless because biologically we respond to necessities, not to laws, governance, nor to “founding fathers” who coined these terminologies without having a coherent understanding about how humans behave.

Q&A 2.
Q&A 2 – What does the Constitution do?
Protects the basic rights of people

Stop bs-ing! The government are people who decided that they are “government,” and they wrote a “constitution” to protect their own interests, not yours; not the ones of the wage slaves and the bottom feeders (the majority of people). The “constitution” is a half-hour read document that is written in such naive, obnoxious, and autocratic manner that the word “shall” is used 306 times! If in a half-hour conversation a person uses the word “shall” 306 times as a requirement, you'd surely think he is a sociopathic lunatic. Who approves such documents? People who are afraid, and resort to manipulative language to try to establish themselves above the rest. A government protects the elites, the establishment, not the average wage slaves and bottom feeders; a couple of centuries later, they still don’t have free water. Oh, what a serious blunder, right? M.L.K. Jr. reminds us, that in a world that is two-thirds water, we still have to pay for it. Hmm! Why? And by the way, water is a biological necessity, not a philosophical “right.” Without it, just as without other necessities, we begin to deteriorate. It seems “governance” has no clue what makes for a livable life, and it is quite comfy in its corporate and elitist mentality.

Q&A 3
Q&A 3 – We the People – the idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution.

“We the people?” Yeah, go on. Is it not, “we the” wage slaves and “we the” lower wealth classes? We struggle all the time because of your phony political democracy.... They might as well rename it to, “we the upper 1%,” because the Constitution is for them: that would be way more accurate.... People don't need to be “governed.” They need necessities in order to behave well; or, necessities in order to “govern” themselves (since we're so obsessed with the “govern” word). Governance has no scientific ground to claim that it is better for humanity to be bossed around, but it emerges because of necessity-obtaining conflicts; and the conflicts are resolved in favor of the elites and the establishment. Governance does not understand that humanity needs to be left to flourish its human empathy and human ingenuity; it assumes that the wage slaves need to be governed because they are inherently bad people.

Q&A 4.
Q&A 4 – What is an amendment?
A change and an addition to the Constitution

A philosophical gesture in the “constitution” that pretends to resolve your day-to-day necessity-obtaining problems. And it is quite a bit meaningless too, because people can’t eat and drink “amendments,” right? Has an “amendment” resolved your socio-biological necessities lately? Obviously it hasn’t, because if it did, there wouldn’t be such thing as poverty and hunger.

Q&A 5.
Q&A 5 – What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution?
The Bill of Rights.

Let's begin the fights! “Rights” is the political creation of a promise that will not be delivered. Why it wouldn't be delivered? First, because it is a very broad term that can't be categorized accurately; it is some kind of blended stew of needs and wants based on subjective nuances. Necessities is what is needed, not “rights”; and necessities are the same for all people in the world! Second, those who can deliver the necessities are not politicians, and they're not in office to be in position of leadership. The expertise belongs to the scientists, engineers, and workers who can deliver what we need.

Q&A 8.
Q&A 8 – What did the Declaration of Independence do?
Declare independence

It stabbed the old bosses; it promoted a bloody revolution; it promoted treason against the Brits. It did what the Brits did to the Romans: they declared themselves independent.... Try to do that today from your owners and see how far you'd get!?

Q&A 9.
Q&A 9 – Rights in the Declaration of Independence:
life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

Life could care less about your phony philosophical “rights”; life needs our living necessities to survive, and living is not a philosophical function but biological and social function. In other words, we require certain living necessities for each individual, such as air, water, food, shelter, health, nutrition, education, leisure... or we begin to deteriorate. And our social function among each other requires interactions, connection, sociability, love... or also, we begin to deteriorate.... And “the pursuit of happiness?” Yes, let's get them started on minimum wage (if they're lucky to get a job), and let them pursue a phony “happiness” on minimum wage by scavenging only the products and services they can afford.

Q&A 10.
Q&A 10 – What is freedom of religion?

It is freedom to detach from parochial identity, and not end up being mocked, harassed, threatened, or killed as a result; it is freedom of behaving like sheeple. Try to do it against your corporatocracy and see how far you'd get!?

Q&A 11.
Q&A 11 – What is the economic system?
capitalist economy, market economy.

First, the “economy” is not related to economizing, but to the perpetuation of buying and selling. It is not focused on the obtaining of the necessities and sharing them with everyone; but it is focused on charging money and paying for necessities. Second, it is backstabbing exploitation of the average unsavy folks who don't know how to profit, but who know only how to work hard. If you are a savvy profiteer, if you are skilled and know very well how to focus on profiting without having to do hard labor and without producing any tangible goods – go on, the green light is shining for you: that is the system of the market non-economy. Third, the question is written deceptively, as if “capitalist” or “market” economy is some kind of codified constitutional requirement; if we put aside the authoritarian tone in the codification of rules and regulations in an invented document called a “constitution,” the way people should live in their daily necessity-obtaining interactions is not even required to be capitalistically oriented. The “constitution” doesn't list it as a requirement!

Q&A 12.
Q&A 12 – What is the “rule of law?”
Everyone must follow the law

You can call it the “mule of the law,” and it wouldn't make a difference either, because people are not driven by laws; they are driven by biological and social responses of various degrees – depending on if their necessities are satisfied or not.

Q&A 13.
Q&A 13 – Branches of the government:
congress, legislative, president, executive, the courts, judicial.

Just like religion begins to separate into different religions and branches, a government does as well. In government, however, the branches are “supposed” to collaborate for your benefit because a government is “supposed” to serve you; but if that was the case, you wouldn't be struggling on a daily basis.

Q&A 14.
Q&A 14 – What stops one branch from becoming too powerful?

And what stops a government, country, nation, state (and so forth) from becoming too pervasive? Go further down to the root origin: Culture! When you evolve your cultural behavior, you no longer have to pay attention to your rulers, because they wouldn't exist; they wouldn't be prompted to rule you or exploit you when their own living necessities are met as well. When we dissolve our behaviors that perpetuate scarcity of products and services; when scarcity is taken out of the equation in our day-to-day necessity-obtaining interactions, governance ceases its purpose to exist and govern, and there is no urge to grow it.

Q&A 15.
Q&A 15 – Who is in charge of the executive branch?
The President!

While that is the case officially, the dysfunctional culture that we abide to – creates a “government” with unnecessary pyramid-structure leadership, and a “President” right on the top of the pyramid. When the people who know how to resolve humanity's needed products and services, are not given the opportunity for leadership, the ones who are more boisterous – the politicians – take the opportunity to act like they know what they're doing. When the scientists, engineers, and workers are not given the opportunity to create our needed products and services, the politicians take over and they keep us stuck in mud.

Q&A 26.
Q&A 26 – We elect a President for how many years?

It's a baseless non-scientifically derived number... not to mention that a president is not a scientist, nor engineer, nor worker – who can provide the living necessities for people.

Q&A 35.
Q&A 35 – What does the President's Cabinet do?
Advises the President

The same what the Pope's advisers do; they walk a thin line while trying to influence the president's decision making. They are upset when their views are shut off; they are angry and jealous that a figure of higher importance is above them. A radical new view can never propagate through; the government, nor the President, will allow an opposition to advocate that there should be no government or President, and that the people should be free from such dogmatic influences.

Q&A 37.
Q&A 37 – What does the judicial branch do?
Reviews laws, explains laws, resolves disputes, decides if a law goes against the Constitution

Why are there disputes? Because the living necessities of people are not resolved. A well satisfied person has no predisposition to create a conflict, or commit a crime.

Q&A 45.
Q&A 45 – What are the major political parties?
Republican and Democrat

And they are essentially the two sides of the same coin! Both sides accept unnecessary competitive behaviors, exchanging, profiting, and marketing; both sides ignore the detrimental effects and the created terrible lifestyles of the wage slaves: the vast majority of people in the world. An opposing view that challenges the artificial government creation will not be allowed, because the wage slaving and the bottom feeding sheeple must be kept away from the radical exposure of a brand new view: that they shouldn't have dogmatic rulers who are unfamiliar with plan B. What is plan B? How to live without monetary interactions, and how to access our goods and services without preventative culturally created barriers.

Q&A 50.
Q&A 50 – Name one right only for citizens?
Vote and run for office.

Just like a wage slave is not about to become a boss, likewise a wage slave is not about to run for office and become a politician... let alone a president. A wage slave needs to get up in the morning and go wage slaving: that is what is expected. Running to become politician requires to have money, and preferably fame.

Q&A 51.
Q&A 51 – Rights of everyone living in the US: freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition the government, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms.

Is there freedom to educate people that they should stay away from an invented system that doesn't know how to provide them with their needed goods and services? Time will tell. Moreover, if your needs were available, you will not be prompted with “the right to bear arms,” because a conflict wouldn't be arising.

Q&A 52.
Q&A 52 – What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
The US; the flag

Pure BS! We show loyalty to our harassers. But since we are so well brainwashed by our dysfunctional culture, we actually don't mind it; you are engaging in cultural reverence, not in necessity-obtaining functions. You might as well start worshiping oats... at least they have some nutrition, while the oaths don't. At the end of the day, making pro-government statements, singing pro-government songs, worshiping a piece of cloth (flag), and putting your hand on your heart or on your bible, does nothing to provide you with your needed goods and services.

Q&A 53.
Q&A 53 – What is one promise you make when you become a citizen?
Give up loyalty to other countries, defend the Constitution, obey the laws, serve in the military if needed, serve the nation, be loyal to the country.

This is why you are not free! You are not allowed to reject the system that rules you. However, you can go further down the root, and reject the culture that inseminated and shaped this oppressive BS system. When you don't behave in necessity-obstructive manner, you will not have to deal with your own Frankenstein!

Q&A 58.
Q&A 58 – What is the reason colonists came to America?
Freedom, political liberty, religious freedom, economic opportunity, practice their religion, escape persecution.

Like father like son: To be free to become slave owners; to vent off their frustrations at others by escaping their oppressors; to colonize instead of being colonized; to seek exploitative economic opportunities.

Q&A 97.
Q&A 97 – Why does the flag have 50 stars?

It shows how many stars are spinning around the brainwashed head of the wage slaves!

The Harassment – numerical barcode on my arm during the harassment.
The Harassment – numerical barcode on my arm during the harassment.

Successfully indoctrinated – numerical barcode on my arm.
Successfully indoctrinated – numerical barcode on my arm.

Receiving my indoctrination award!
Receiving my indoctrination award!

I wore Edvard Munch's The Scream socks during my harassment with the questions and during the indoctrination ceremony.
I wore Edvard Munch's The Scream socks during my harassment with the questions and during the indoctrination ceremony