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▼ We've got her out of the kitchen, but she became a princess ▼

Introduction to We've got her out of the kitchen, but she became a princess!
We've got her out of the kitchen, but she became a princess!ID: CC5-139

This is one of my favorite series of sarcastic truisms, calling-outs of selfish passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing behaviors; and finger-pointing mockeries of “the second sex.” In the early 2000s I did the very first original comment We've got her out of the kitchen, but she became a princess, (CC2-291); but the idea was only for a single image with the headline on the bottom. Like many of my other projects, I put the task aside and it ended up remaining as a written note. Then later, in 2009 I started doing a series of truisms under a different headline name (The Leadership Recollection series) – which eventually merged with this series. Most of these 288 images were created between 2014 and 2015 when the rhyming contextual statements kept popping in my head one after another accordingly – to reflect the passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing content. I found the free-for-use images on the web, because having only several hundred dollars in savings I couldn't have afforded to do photo-shoots; and, subsequently I added the black strips over the models' eyes in order to preserve their identities, because they are just modeling for profit, and I have no intentions to be mocking them as individual followers of a degraded culture. My mockery is at the culture itself that creates sheeple behaviors, not at the specific people who are just abiding to the culture (because they're not exposed to another culture).... But let me further clarify, in case the title (and the artworks) are not understood. What is expected out of a woman? The same as what is expected out of a man! He needs to be properly interactive and connective with her while his biological behaviors are very well check-marked by an effective mutually-beneficial egalitarian culture. And she too needs to be properly interactive and connective to man, not passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing, as contemporary culture approves her to be. Let me go a little more clinical here: Passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing is unhealthy because it is repressively neurotic. She is not kind, sociable, and loving; instead she turns her outwardly-going love inward. The images in this series is what her inward-looking love looks like; she is absorbing, but not giving; she is not opening up to man; she is manipulating him: her “second sex” skill. She is posing for the man... but “the second sex” doesn't understand that it is not the image that man craves; man craves her real kindness, interaction, and love... not pixels on a digital monitor that depict how she is teasing, flirting, and seducing. So, why are the passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing women so popular in pictures and videos then? Because when men aren't socialized with and loved properly by women, they resort to fantasies of women. If you want to find out why women's contemporary passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing behaviors are outdated, you can check out my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books about the faulty interactive and connective dynamics between women and men.... I also need to do a clarifier on the headline: Who got women out of the kitchen? Women's and men's evolving behaviors, not as the misleading “feminist” outlets kept pounding on us that it is only women who are helping themselves to get “out of the kitchen.” With half of the world's population being men and the other half being women, no action of a specific sex can be attributed only to that specific sex, because, every second of the day there are millions of converging biological and social circumstances that are happening between women and men. No sex can operate in vacuum independent of the interactions and connections of the other sex! (I need to clarify one more thing: I am using the sub-categorization into tabs only to ease the navigation, and not to overwhelm the loading of the page with all the images.)

Her leadership.
Her leadershipID: CC5-139

This sub-section is about woman's leadership... or rather “leadership,” because how she leads, is, with reliance on her physical appeal, not through her leadership.

Her degraded mind.
Her degraded mindID: CC5-139

Without proper cultural socializing for woman to be kind, sociable, and loving partner to man... and with an unproper cultural brainwash for woman to continue her self obsession and exhibit it through repressive neuroticism and through looking inward as opposed to outward, I consider the contemporary passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing woman's mind to be degraded. If you are interested in reading more about why that is the case, you can check out my nonfiction and semi-autobiographical books about the dysfunctional contemporary dynamics in the interactions and connections between women and men.

“The second sex.”
“The second sex”ID: CC5-139

In 1949 Simone de Beauvoir published The Second Sex: her analysis of the culturally shaped woman. Ever since I read it I knew that it was time for an upgrade: a Second Sex 2.0 version. My The Missing Love book is the 2.0 upgrade.

Her earnings.
Her earningsID: CC5-139

With passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing – also known as “modeling” – being rewarded monetarily a lot more than the peanuts that the average wage slave gets, in this sub-section I get to point out the hypocrisy about the pay-gap rants that “feminism” brings up quite often. I want to clarify that, women getting paid less on the average, in the world, is a reality; it is not due to malicious intentions specifically targeted at the female sex, but it is due to the dysfunctional dynamics of the monetary culture. In modeling and sex work, however, the average woman will get paid more money; and this section with images is for that. The monetary culture, which is the father of the codified monetary system we abide to, will reward more money to those who work harder for their money; the reward goes to the hawks and to the savvy profiteers, not to the workers who work harder. And due to hormonal predispositions, the males are more beastly in how they operate with money.... In my nonfiction and semi-autobiographical books I cover the pay-gap between women and men, criticism of the monetary culture, and the plan B solutions to the havoc it creates: a non-monetary culture. Our monetary culture – which is the seeking to profit as opposed to share mutually and collaborate in the obtaining of our goods and services – is a behavioral nuance at the current times we live in; and we behave in that manner parochially because we haven't adapted ourselves to outgrow our seeking to profit. We are not mutually agreeing that one should be rich and another poor, but we haven't learned to live in any other way; and we currently have no plan B.

Her posing.
Her posingID: CC5-139

In this sub-section I am exposing the context behind woman's posing for the man. We can see the intention behind the content, but let's see what it does in context. Again, to reiterate from the intro of this series: What is expected out of woman? To be teasing man, or to be loving him?

Her progress.
Her progressID: CC5-139

Since the space for text in these artworks, is minimal, I have to clarify what I mean by woman's progress. Her progress is towards what? As I've mentioned many times in other artworks and in my nonfiction and semi-autobiographical books, woman's progress cannot be something independent of man's progress because they live together on planet earth. So, they have to be effective in their egalitarian interactions and connections with each other; and you can freely substitute the word progress for the word effective. In this section I explore the woman's “progress” hypocrisy.

Her service.
Her serviceID: CC5-139

Her enticing physical appearance must infiltrate her “service.”

Her “feminism.”
Her “feminism”ID: CC5-139

Her “feminism?” As I've pointed out in many of my artworks and writings, if feminism is not egalitarian and doesn't serve, both, women and men (because they live together on planet earth), then hers is not feminism, but “female-ism” – as anthropologist Lionel Tiger says.

Her obsession with flowers.
Her obsession with flowersID: CC5-139

Her obsession with flowers is a bit like her obsession with the color pink.

Her obsession with pink.
Her obsession with pinkID: CC5-139

I point out her cultural perversion with the color pink. She clings to it as if it is her savior.

They communicate for me!
They communicate for me!ID: CC5-139

Nothing new here: in the interactions and connections between women and men, both are to rely on their kind, sociable, and loving behaviors. Oh, hold on! It doesn't work like that in the dysfunctional dynamics between women and men. The inward-looking woman knows very well what to rely on in order for the attention to be on her; God forbid she could be the one giving the attention instead of absorbing it. Instead, why not take advantage of the interactions and connections if her arousing body parts can communicate for her? And she will!

Her nudomania.
Her nudomaniaID: CC5-139

In the contemporary dysfunctional interactions and connections between women and men, the exhibition of her naked body doesn't get any more sexist than when she is completely naked and sexed up. She is essentially sexist toward herself, because she ignores, or doesn't know, what is expected out of her: To be kind, sociable, and loving woman! If you are not familiar with my view in my nonfiction and semi-autobiographical books about the faulty interactions and connections between women and men, I want to clarify that I have nothing against a normal biological nudity and sexual activity of a woman! The issue I'm mocking in my art (and educating in my books), is that she is not a loving woman; instead, she is a culturally brainwashed obsessive egomaniac who is simulating the loving of herself, or simulating an intimate encounter – but doing so in order to profit from the opportunity that her body is sought for a normal loving connection.... In regards to the images here, most of them are from the original Leadership Recollection Series which I started in 2009, and in which I juxtapose her naked body to statements regarding her non-existent leadership. What about her providing of love? Through images? That's still not present: an image is not a provider of love; it's a simulation of love. It can be successful at arousing, but it is certainly not successful at loving.... The dysfunctional contemporary culture never ceases to create one problem after another: with half of the world's population being men, and the other half being women, the present-day cultural restriction of love between the sexes will one day be viewed as a cultural crime... but we are not there yet. Until then, she will be obsessing about her naked body.... To my critics who may immediately jump to say that the obsession with the female body is the male's, not the female's: I don't argue that he is obsessed with her naked body, but that is not the root-cause of his obsession. My response is akin to the explanation of how human behavior works: when man's love is deprived unnecessarily due to a dysfunctional culture that continues to raise inward-looking women, he begins to crave his living necessity even when the necessity is not in real form and shape. But in a monetary culture, what is woman's response to his craving of her? She finds avenue to profit from his drooling about her body. Instead of being a provider of love, she exploits the opportunity to cash in. She is passively-teasing, flirting, and seducing for the camera, but not providing real love to the man who seeks her kind, sociable, loving, and partnering behavior.

QuotesID: CC5-139

In this section I use quotes from others, to point out the problems with her passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing.

25 cents for your brain, and maybe less. But your body? Oh, your body's worth a jackpot!
25 cents for your brain, and maybe less.... But your body? Oh, your body's worth a jackpot!

Where does the 25 cents come from? The model is actually posing at a casino-like environment with slot machines. The 25 cents is a sign behind her.... So, I took the opportunity to humorously bring up the pay-gap between the sexes.

44-0 score!
44-0 score!

I did a blunder here. I did this image in 2009; I must've copied the 44 to 0 number from a book in regards to the pay-gap discussion that “feminism” brings up quite often. But I can't recall from which book, and I couldn't find the 44 to 0 discussion on the web. The humorous intention behind my artwork was to flip the meaning around: for every 44 women profiting from provocative poses, 0 men will succeed in the same work.

77 cents to his dollar? No, more like 77 cents per pound!
77 cents to his dollar? No, more like 77 cents per pound!

Acting mean is obviously only a seductive tactic to attract you!
Acting mean is obviously only a seductive tactic to attract you!

Adopting the color pink gives me false idea of empowerment.
Adopting the color pink gives me false idea of empowerment.

And even worse, the ropes have actually tangled up my brain!
And even worse, the ropes have actually tangled up my brain!

And the walls will keep closing-in, as long as we are in between them posing!
And the walls will keep closing-in, as long as we are in between them posing!

And we wonder why it took so long for the military to accept you!?
And we wonder why it took so long for the military to accept you!?

“An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself” – Albert Camus
“An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself” – Albert Camus

Are always more important than the face!
Are always more important than the face!

Of course, the camera forgot to include the model's head. Why would it include her head, when the focal point of attention, in an unloved man, should be elsewhere.

Are you loving me in pink, while my progress' flushing in the sink!?
Are you loving me in pink, while my progress' flushing in the sink!?

Are you sure you are comfortable? Because I'm sure your progress is not!
Are you sure you are comfortable? Because I'm sure your progress is not!

As a sexy walking tease, I don't really place our sex at ease!
As a sexy walking tease, I don't really place our sex at ease!

A table is for eating. Oh that's right you profit by being eaten as amusement!
A table is for eating. Oh that's right you profit by being eaten as amusement!

Because the bra can't wait to unstrap itself for somebody else's pleasure!
Because the bra can't wait to unstrap itself for somebody else's pleasure!

But this is where the absence of a necessity is mistaken for the need of a pleasure. Moreover, the pleasure that is provided through imagery is not the real pleasure, but the simulation of a pleasure. His absence of being treated like a normal person, socialized with, and being loved, has amalgamated to the view that man seeks visual pleasure, not real pleasure. The culture has distorted our views immensely.

Begging sexually for my breast? It's okay, I'm ruined, be my guest!
Begging sexually for my breast? It's okay, I'm ruined, be my guest!

Being knee-deep in water isn't anything new at all for women's progress!
Being knee-deep in water isn't anything new at all for women's progress!

Being serious is just the mask for the lack of it.
Being serious is just the mask for the lack of it.

Being sexy and all wet, is my bread n butter sliding into debt!
Being sexy and all wet, is my bread n' butter sliding into debt!

Being uncomfortable is part of my feminine duty.
Being uncomfortable is part of my feminine duty.

Biting on my necklace, my brain considers pretty reckless!
Biting on my necklace, my brain considers pretty reckless!

Blown by the wind are the fragile… brains too!
Blown by the wind are the fragile... brains too!

Bubble gum culture and women’s progress work out very well together!
Bubble gum culture and women's progress work out very well together!

But this is a bottle! Are you f-ing that stupid?
But this is a bottle! Are you f-ing that stupid?

But you'd see me naked if I turned, and I want to keep my dignity intact!
But you'd see me naked if I turned, and I want to keep my dignity intact!

By now you should know how I play the game!
By now you should know how I play the game!

Can you see my brain through, ‘cause I can't!?
Can you see my brain through, 'cause I can't!?

Can you see the center of the universe, not the center of my brain!?
Can you see the center of the universe, not the center of my brain!?

Car by car I earn my living, while women's progress I am leaving!
Car by car I earn my living, while women's progress I am leaving!

Careful, don't break your head! Oh, that's right, it's already broken!
Careful, don't break your head! Oh, that's right, it's already broken!

Damned if you joined the military, damned if you don't!
Damned if you joined the military, damned if you don't!

Dark shadow lurks behind my skill!
Dark shadow lurks behind my skill!

Doesn't matter if walking on stilts is uncomfortable, it is rewarding!
Doesn't matter if walking on stilts is uncomfortable, it is rewarding!

Do I hear whistles 'bout my posing, or maybe I am really overdosing!
Do I hear whistles 'bout my posing, or maybe I am really overdosing!

Do I look like I am struggling? You should too!
Do I look like I am struggling? You should too!

Докато си подмяткам моята коса в лицето му моят прогрес отива на проклето му
Докато си подмяткам моята коса в лицето му моят прогрес отива на проклето му!

Don't kill yourself for this shot. Your body is the only shot he cares about, because your progress has been already shot.
Don't kill yourself for this shot. Your body is the only shot he cares about, because your progress has been already shot.

Don't you think women's failure is funny?
Don't you think women's failure is funny?

Do you like the way I'm leaning on the wall? Please remind me what exactly is my goal?!
Do you like the way I'm leaning on the wall? Please remind me what exactly is my goal?!

Do you really want to twist your ankle when the high-heels get stuck into the stairs? Oh, that's right, you already are stuck and twisted!
Do you really want to twist your ankle when the high-heels get stuck into the stairs? Oh, that's right, you already are stuck and twisted!

Drinking & posing, probably even worse than drinking & driving!
Drinking & posing, probably even worse than drinking & driving!

Every time I'm tempted to be a little bunny, I turn out to be a lil' dummy!
Every time I'm tempted to be a little bunny, I turn out to be a lil' dummy!

Every time I show off my butt, it seems my brain becomes a nut!
Every time I show off my butt, it seems my brain becomes a nut!

Every time I try to look like goddess pretty, my progress starts to beg some pity!
Every time I try to look like goddess pretty, my progress starts to beg some pity!

Every time you want my sexual attire, it engulfs my brain on fire!
Every time you want my sexual attire, it engulfs my brain on fire!

Every weird pose I make, it's for you, your piece of cake!
Every weird pose I make, it's for you, your piece of cake!

Feminism adopted pink as if just a basic color will somehow liberate women.
Feminism adopted pink as if just a basic color will somehow liberate women.

Feminism might as well be talking to a brick wall!
Feminism might as well be talking to a brick wall!

Flowers make me feel more special, as if I am not equally special already.
Flowers make me feel more special, as if I am not equally special already.

Food for thought: Bananas! Rich on enzymes but not all times!
Food for thought: Bananas! Rich on enzymes but not all times!

Food for thought: Keep going with the great progress women!
Food for thought: Keep going with the great progress women!

Food for thought nourishes great brains!
Food for thought nourishes great brains!

For every 44 male leaders there are zero female leaders!
For every 44 male leaders there are zero female leaders!

Fracking not only destroys the environment, but women's brains too.
Fracking not only destroys the environment, but women's brains too.

Fragile & tasty as a cherry for your pleasure!
Fragile & tasty as a cherry for your pleasure!

Fried-brain amusement food is served for you!
Fried-brain amusement food is served for you!

Getting drunk already? Oh, you not me. Objects can't get drunk!
Getting drunk already? Oh, you not me. Objects can't get drunk!

“Girls learn to look at their ‘looks’ and to listen to what [mirrors] say about them.”
“Girls learn to look at their ‘looks’ and to listen to what [mirrors] say about them.”

Giving you a hint of breasts seductive, while my progress just as usual is unproductive!
Giving you a hint of breasts seductive, while my progress just as usual is unproductive!

Go ahead and lock my hands together, while my brain has lost it all like feather!
Go ahead and lock my hands together, while my brain has lost it all like feather!

Go-ahead keep smiling, problems on your brain keep piling!
Go-ahead keep smiling, problems on your brain keep piling!

God, I keep wondering too what's my purpose in society!?
God, I keep wondering too what's my purpose in society!?

Good bye 77 cents to his dollar, hello 77 dollars to his cent.
Good bye 77 cents to his dollar, hello 77 dollars to his cent.

Good bye 77 cents to the dollar. Obviously we are worth a lot more!
Good bye 77 cents to the dollar. Obviously we are worth a lot more!

Got ass? While my brain appears like a broken glass!
Got ass? While my brain appears like a broken glass!

Great pose, except your brain is draining gross!
Great pose, except your brain is draining gross!

Great pose, except your brain is upside down!
Great pose, except your brain is upside down!

Great pose, yet women's progress froze!
Great pose, yet women's progress froze!

Handcuffed? No, more like braincuffed!
Handcuffed? No, more like braincuffed!

Hanging there barely, my brain keeps thinking rarely!
Hanging there barely, my brain keeps thinking rarely!

Having had enough of her Freud angrily asked, “What does a woman want!?” OMG, I hope it's not that!
Having had enough of her Freud angrily asked, “What does a woman want!?” OMG, I hope it's not that!

He can have me for a snack while I'm laying on my back.
He can have me for a snack while I'm laying on my back.

Hello, I am calling my brain is there anybody out there?
Hello, I am calling my brain is there anybody out there?

Here I am laying down as jewel and a treasure, meaning – women's progress' dropping down to serious measure!
Here I am laying down as jewel and a treasure, meaning – women's progress' dropping down to serious measure!

Here, I am posing for your pleasure, grab barometer so women's progress you can measure!
Here, I am posing for your pleasure, grab barometer so women's progress you can measure!

Here I am posing like a barbie doll, while my progress drops in hole!
Here I am posing like a barbie doll, while my progress drops in hole!

Here I'm throwing away my scarf, while my brain somehow remains a dwarf!
Here I'm throwing away my scarf, while my brain somehow remains a dwarf!

Here I've corrected your direction; you were upside down for some (posing) reason!
Here I've corrected your direction; you were upside down for some (posing) reason!

Here mister, take a look, and don't forget that women's brains you cook!
Here mister, take a look, and don't forget that women's brains you cook!

Honey, once those pants drop down you're done!
Honey, once those pants drop down you're done!

How ironic it is that getting messy just for you leaves my brain messed up!
How ironic it is that getting messy just for you leaves my brain messed up!

How ironic it is that when I'm undressing, my brain is too!
How ironic it is that when I'm undressing, my brain is too!

How weird will you get to be desired and never once get tired?!
How weird will you get to be desired and never once get tired?!

I am blowing you a kiss, but my brain you should dismiss!
I am blowing you a kiss, but my brain you should dismiss!

I am brushing makeup on my skin, while my progress' going for a spin!
I am brushing makeup on my skin, while my progress' going for a spin!

I am covering my breasts to give you pleasure, while my brain has never been a treasure!
I am covering my breasts to give you pleasure, while my brain has never been a treasure!

I'm curious to know what assets I possess, other than the ones I pose with?
I'm curious to know what assets I possess, other than the ones I pose with?

I'm gonna be your cop, while my brain's quality will drop!
I'm gonna be your cop, while my brain's quality will drop!

I'm gonna pose for you like moose, while my brain can liquify like juice!
I'm gonna pose for you like moose, while my brain can liquify like juice!

I am looking goofy for your pleasure, while my brain is obviously not a treasure!
I am looking goofy for your pleasure, while my brain is obviously not a treasure!

I am smiling on the beach, while my brain is a degrading leech!
I am smiling on the beach, while my brain is a degrading leech!

I am sorry you ruined your smart quotation, as the picture shows just “confidence” through “body” gestures. Yes, the sadness of reality again!
I am sorry you ruined your smart quotation, as the picture shows just “confidence” through “body” gestures. Yes, the sadness of reality again!

I am taking care of my lips, while my brain downgrades and slips!
I am taking care of my lips, while my brain downgrades and slips!

I blow him away with my intellect!
I blow him away with my intellect!

I bring my arms closer together for you, while our brains drift farther apart!
I bring my arms closer together for you, while our brains drift farther apart!

I bring my arms closer together, so my brains inflate but unfortunately at the expense of my brain deflating too!
I bring my arms closer together, so my brains inflate but unfortunately at the expense of my brain deflating too!

I don't need to communicate. They communicate for me!
I don't need to communicate. They communicate for me!

I enhance the image of the car, while my victim brain has been declared war!
I enhance the image of the car, while my victim brain has been declared war!

I enjoy being sexy, and sexist to my progress too!
I enjoy being sexy, and sexist to my progress too!

I feel sad and lonely, probably because I know to use my beauty only!
I feel sad and lonely, probably because I know to use my beauty only!

I feel sexy 'bout my ride, while my brain has shrunk well dried!
I feel sexy 'bout my ride, while my brain has shrunk well dried!

I feel sexy on the riviera, while you are living in what era?
I feel sexy on the riviera, while you are living in what era?

I feel sexy with my cowboy hat, while women's progress gets a smack!
I feel sexy with my cowboy hat, while women's progress gets a smack!

If only my brain can see its own reflection, it will see my progress is not only about looks!
If only my brain can see its own reflection, it will see my progress is not only about looks!

If we bench-marked your active progress against men's active progress, you'll clearly come up short as his active play-toy-for his progress!
If we bench-marked your active progress against men's active progress, you'll clearly come up short as his active play-toy-for his progress!

If we bench-marked your current progress with your potential, the bench will turn out too small to accommodate your potential!
If we bench-marked your current progress with your potential, the bench will turn out too small to accommodate your potential!

If we bench-marked you to your real potential ability for progress, you will be far off!
If we bench-marked you to your real potential ability for progress, you will be far off!

If we can get a nude male covering himself with the same sign, then it will be just as stupid!
If we can get a nude male covering himself with the same sign, then it will be just as stupid!

If you can see through, you should see through my brain too.
If you can see through, you should see through my brain too.

If you teach good values through a tummy, Christ might think you're a dummy!
If you teach good values through a tummy, Christ might think you're a dummy!

I guess you are not bound to escape the “second sex” anytime soon!
I guess you are not bound to escape the “second sex” anytime soon!

I have what you need. It's like drugs!
I have what you need. It's like drugs!

I keep posing on my bed, while once again my brain has pled.
I keep posing on my bed, while once again my brain has pled.

I know what you want!
I know what you want!

I lock your brain by locking mine too!
I lock your brain by locking mine too!

I look pretty, don't I? Never mind what Paul Ryan said about women's objectification: “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified.”
I look pretty, don't I? Never mind what Paul Ryan said about women's objectification: “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified.”

I may be posing on a briefcase, but my brain is still in it!
I may be posing on a briefcase, but my brain is still in it!

Impressive compulsive disorder.
Impressive compulsive disorder.

I only pretend to be chilly, while I'm actually being silly!
I only pretend to be chilly, while I'm actually being silly!

I only pretend to be cold, but it's only because my brain is getting sold!
I only pretend to be cold, but it's only because my brain is getting sold!

I seek to reach the men of the intellect – wherever such may still be found.
I seek to reach the men of the intellect – wherever such may still be found.

I shake my butt on stage, while my brain is clearly in rage!
I shake my butt on stage, while my brain is clearly in rage!

Is having a mask such a mystery? Don't we already know you are likely to tumble down anyway!?
Is having a mask such a mystery? Don't we already know you are likely to tumble down anyway!?

Is locking up my hands worth, while my progress gets locked up too!?
Is locking up my hands worth, while my progress gets locked up too!?

It doesn't matter if I'm uncomfortable; discomforting women is my skill.
It doesn't matter if I'm uncomfortable; discomforting women is my skill.

I thrive by playing cute.
I thrive by playing cute.

It's exciting to remove the layers, so I end up with a bleeding heart!
It's exciting to remove the layers, so I end up with a bleeding heart!

It's not that there is danger from cigars, but the posture I exhibit – locking women's progress behind bars!
It's not that there is danger from cigars, but the posture I exhibit – locking women's progress behind bars!

It's okay you can pull the carpet under my feet, as it's been already pulled away enough from women's progress!
It's okay you can pull the carpet under my feet, as it's been already pulled away enough from women's progress!

It's really very simple: You can win me over with a flower!
It's really very simple: You can win me over with a flower!

It's time for me to evolve from object of desire to subject of socializing, but let me be desired first!
It's time for me to evolve from object of desire to subject of socializing, but let me be desired first!

“It remains only for women to continue their ascent… [to] arrive at complete economic and social equality.” – Simone de Beauvoir
“It remains only for women to continue their ascent… [to] arrive at complete economic and social equality.” – Simone de Beauvoir

I've never heard of brain makeup; facial makeup is the only one I know.
I've never heard of brain makeup; facial makeup is the only one I know.

I want you to want me, not progress out of me!
I want you to want me, not progress out of me!

I was giving you a pose so that I can get a rose! Should my brain get flushed with hose?
I was giving you a pose so that I can get a rose! Should my brain get flushed with hose?

I will pose for you like deer while my progress' drunk on beer!
I will pose for you like deer while my progress' drunk on beer!

I'll squeeze in my two rose petals too to boost up the excitement.
I'll squeeze in my two rose petals too to boost up the excitement.

Judges on the chair don't sit like this, unless they pose to be judged!
Judges on the chair don't sit like this, unless they pose to be judged!

Just in case you think I'm chilly, no, my passion is to be desired, silly!
Just in case you think I'm chilly, no, my passion is to be desired, silly!

Leaves us wondering big time about her covered legacy.
Leaves us wondering big time about her covered legacy.

Let me lift my thigh and show that ass. It'll show my lower class!
Let me lift my thigh and show that ass. It'll show my lower class!

Let me tuck my tummy, so my brain appears dummy!
Let me tuck my tummy, so my brain appears dummy!

Little cutesy steps I make, so that women's progress never takes a break!
Little cutesy steps I make, so that women's progress never takes a break!

Little gentle gestures with my hands, while my brain's not working friends!
Little gentle gestures with my hands, while my brain's not working friends!

Little hand gesture, little leg gesture – women's progress is big-time stressture!
Little hand gesture, little leg gesture – women's progress is big-time stressture!

Look at me, I'm such a jewel, while toward women's progress I'm cruel!
Look at me, I'm such a jewel, while toward women's progress I'm cruel!

Look at me when I pose. Consider it an order!
Look at me when I pose. Consider it an order!

Look at my seductive posture, while again my progress is at lossture!
Look at my seductive posture, while again my progress is at lossture!

Looking out the window I see no future, only lOOks.
Looking out the window I see no future, only lOOks.

Looking through the window, I see freedom I don't have within my brain!
Looking through the window, I see freedom I don't have within my brain!

Maybe a splash of cold water would wake me up, but no, it only makes me more desirable!
Maybe a splash of cold water would wake me up, but no, it only makes me more desirable!

Mirror-mirror, is it real, we behave as “the second sex” object of desire?
Mirror-mirror, is it real we, behave as “the second sex” object of desire?

Mirror-mirror, I will try to look the prettiest I can, but please reflect happiness not sadness!
Mirror-mirror, I will try to look the prettiest I can, but please reflect happiness not sadness!

Mirror-mirror, this is why I keep betraying you!
Mirror-mirror, this is why I keep betraying you!

Mirror-mirror, who is the most beautiful? Not your brain for certain!
Mirror-mirror, who is the most beautiful? Not your brain for certain!

Mouth isn't necessary. I have assets to communicate with!
Mouth isn't necessary. I have assets to communicate with!

My body is my skill, my money, my power.
My body is my skill, my money, my power.

My high-heels impose on my progress some difficult drills!
My high-heels impose on my progress some difficult drills!

My little gentle gestures doom my progress, but they are for you to enjoy!
My little gentle gestures doom my progress, but they are for you to enjoy!

My move is very special. You should know its secret!
My move is very special. You should know its secret!

My reading isn't real. It's for you to read in between the lines!
My reading isn't real. It's for you to read in between the lines!

Next we'll hang you upside-down just like your stagnant progress!
Next we'll hang you upside-down just like your stagnant progress!

Next, we'll hook you hanging upside down for pleasure: Anything for pleasure!
Next, we'll hook you hanging upside down for pleasure: Anything for pleasure!

No, I'm not reading: Are you reading me?
No, I'm not reading: Are you reading me?

No, I am not that stupid and I know better. I let only my brain to go up in smoke!
No, I am not that stupid and I know better. I let only my brain to go up in smoke!

No, I can't sit properly. Can't you see I'm posing?
No, I can't sit properly. Can't you see I'm posing?

No, I communicate with my brains, not my brain!
No, I communicate with my brains, not my brain!

Nothing else left to chain but your skin now, since your progress has already been chained!
Nothing else left to chain but your skin now, since your progress has already been chained!

Now go ahead a little further, honey, to get your moneys worth!
Now go ahead a little further, honey, to get your moneys worth!

Oh no, not fashion; it's submissive femininity in disguise as “fashion!”
Oh no, not fashion; it's submissive femininity in disguise as “fashion!”

Oh yeah, the face is not important because it contains a brain… supposedly.
Oh yeah, the face is not important because it contains a brain... supposedly.

OMG! we don't even understand who triggers the undressing of our brains!
OMG! we don't even understand who triggers the undressing of our brains!

OMG, you mean my brain is undressing too?
OMG, you mean my brain is undressing too?

Once I pull that strap, my brain is only good for scrap!
Once I pull that strap, my brain is only good for scrap!

One drink too many, and you are in submissive state with tiny brain like tiny penny.
One drink too many, and you are in submissive state with tiny brain like tiny penny.

On pickup, obviously ready for pickup.
On pickup, obviously ready for pickup.

Playful with my cherry I am alcohol to women's progress.
Playful with my cherry I am alcohol to women's progress.

Playing diva is quite divastating to your life!
Playing diva is quite divastating to your life!

Playing with my jewel reflects upon my brain quite cruel!
Playing with my jewel reflects upon my brain quite cruel!

Playing with my shirt is my “second sex” skill!
Playing with my shirt is my “second sex” skill!

Posing as the object of desire I deplore, but I do so – you adore!
Posing as the object of desire I deplore, but I do so – you adore!

Posing by the salty water may be fun at the beach, but it eats you brain alive like leech!
Posing by the salty water may be fun at the beach, but it eats you brain alive like leech!

Posing here in the water is like my brain going through some slaughter!
Posing here in the water is like my brain going through some slaughter!

Posing just right for you, sticks in my brain like glue.
Posing just right for you, sticks in my brain like glue.

Posing like an animated doll, while my progress hits a wall!
Posing like an animated doll, while my progress hits a wall!

Posing sexy by my Honda, while my brain is suffocating by a giant Anaconda!
Posing sexy by my Honda, while my brain is suffocating by a giant Anaconda!

Posing sexy by the potty room, women's progress evaporates into a plume!
Posing sexy by the potty room, women's progress evaporates into a plume!

Posing sexy on the couch, women's progress screams ouch-ouch!
Posing sexy on the couch, women's progress screams ouch-ouch!

Posing sexy with my dress doesn't mean the “second” sex's progress!
Posing sexy with my dress doesn't mean the “second” sex's progress!

Posing while the water is splashing and my progress certainly not cashing!
Posing while the water is splashing and my progress certainly not cashing!

Posing while the waves are splashing and my brain keeps desperately crashing!
Posing while the waves are splashing and my brain keeps desperately crashing!

Ready to fight in very special combat operation!?
Ready to fight in very special combat operation!?

Scattered flower petals and roses weren't even necessary, as they'd divert his attention from the purposeful poses.
Scattered flower petals and roses weren't even necessary, as they'd divert his attention from the purposeful poses.

Security is needed when seduction is insecure!
Security is needed when seduction is insecure!

Self esteem? Oh, no, I wear it and it speaks for me!
Self esteem? Oh, no, I wear it and it speaks for me!

Showing off my curvatures is showing off my signatures!
Showing off my curvatures is showing off my signatures!

Smoking-hot is actually choking brain-rot!
Smoking-hot is actually choking brain-rot!

Somehow my love of self always runs me into a brick wall.
Somehow my love of self always runs me into a brick wall.

Sorry, the clock hasn't been ticking for millenniums, but you can make it ticking when you stop posing!
Sorry, the clock hasn't been ticking for millenniums, but you can make it ticking when you stop posing!

Spinning on the pole is just like spinning my gender-role!
Spinning on the pole is just like spinning my gender-role!

Sprawling sexy on the couch, while my brain is screaming ouch!
Sprawling sexy on the couch, while my brain is screaming ouch!

Spreading sexy by my rusty car, my brain goes little-bitty far!
Spreading sexy by my rusty car, my brain goes little-bitty far!

Staying low under the radar helps evading the necessity to stand up confident!
Staying low under the radar helps evading the necessity to stand up confident!

Stop objectifying women: We are not toys!
Stop objectifying women: We are not toys!

Stop playing with your hair, start playing with your brain!
Stop playing with your hair, start playing with your brain!

Sweet like kitten, but vicious to my progress like leopard!
Sweet like kitten, but vicious to my progress like leopard!

Tell me I look sexy by this wall. That's the only thing I offer – all!
Tell me I look sexy by this wall. That's the only thing I offer – all!

Tell me I look sexy in this blue, while my brain has got no clue!
Tell me I look sexy in this blue, while my brain has got no clue!

Tell me I look sexy in this red, tell me that before my brain has bled!
Tell me I look sexy in this red, tell me that before my brain has bled!

Tell me I look sexy on this hot rod sled: That is how my brain gets fed!
Tell me I look sexy on this hot rod sled: That is how my brain gets fed!

Tell me I look sexy with this spread. I can even replicate it if I didn't have a head!
Tell me I look sexy with this spread. I can even replicate it if I didn't have a head!

That we are in control is just illusion when our brains are suffering abusion!
That we are in control is just illusion when our brains are suffering abusion!

The best songs I play for you are always somehow the worst for women.
The best songs I play for you are always somehow the worst for women.

The less I wear, the more they glare!
The less I wear, the more they glare!

The more bare skin, the more glare on my brain(s)!
The more bare skin, the more glare on my brain(s)!

The more I'm sprawling on the couch, the more my progress screams ouch-ouch!
The more I'm sprawling on the couch, the more my progress screams ouch-ouch!

The more I flash, the more my progress stumbles upon backlash!
The more I flash, the more my progress stumbles upon backlash!

The more I grab onto the wood, the more yours should be good!
The more I grab onto the wood, the more yours should be good!

The more I lift that leg, the more my brain should beg!
The more I lift that leg, the more my brain should beg!

The more I play with my rose, the more somebody please flush my brain with hose!
The more I play with my rose, the more somebody please flush my brain with hose!

The more I remove, the more I fall into the groove!
The more I remove, the more I fall into the groove!

The more I roll-around, the more I know my role!
The more I roll-around, the more I know my role!

The more my legs are spread, the more migraines in my head!
The more my legs are spread, the more migraines in my head!

The more I turn around, the more male turnaround!
The more I turn around, the more male turnaround!

The more I unbutton, the more my brain regresses to a mutton!
The more I unbutton, the more my brain regresses to a mutton!

The more I undress, the more I regress!
The more I undress, the more I regress!

The more uncovered skin, the less recovered brain.
The more uncovered skin, the less recovered brain.

The object of desire in action, and her only action!
The object of desire in action, and her only action!

There are also stars in the brain too, but actually they don't shine. They're stuck in cultural goo!
There are also stars in the brain too, but actually they don't shine. They're stuck in cultural goo!

The sadness of my posing reality asks your wallet for a monetary charity!
The sadness of my posing reality asks your wallet for a monetary charity!

The stairwell to gender equity is not for posing!
The stairwell to gender equity is not for posing!

The well-liberated woman seems hurdled by a brick wall: She's well fated!
The well-liberated woman seems hurdled by a brick wall: She's well fated!

This is how I derail women's progress off the tracks!
This is how I derail women's progress off the tracks!

This is how I remove the 77 cents to the dollar, and when it drops down – so do women!
This is how I remove the 77 cents to the dollar, and when it drops down – so do women!

This is how I suffocate women's progress!
This is how I suffocate women's progress!

This is how we progress with our eyes shut!
This is how we progress with our eyes shut!

Just to clarify in case you were puzzled about what I meant: the model's eyes were actually closed, but due to placing of the black strip to block her eyes, I lost the clear conveying of the message.

This is plastic, are you f-ing stupid? Don't you pay me to be spastic?
This is plastic, are you f-ing stupid? Don't you pay me to be spastic?

This is the progress Santa Claus delivers for women.
This is the progress Santa Claus delivers for women.

This is what the “second sex” offers!
This is what the “second sex” offers!

To shake my butt on stage I certainly depend on pretty age!
To shake my butt on stage I certainly depend on pretty age!

To win me over you must be on your “A game” so I can fail women with my “F game.”
To win me over you must be on your “A game” so I can fail women with my “F game.”

Tumbling down the stairs is women's progress too!
Tumbling down the stairs is women's progress too!

Uncover both eyes, so your brain is no-longer french fries!
Uncover both eyes, so your brain is no-longer french fries!

Undressing is my bread n' butter, while my brain is getting nutter!
Undressing is my bread n' butter, while my brain is getting nutter!

Usually when I'm smoking, women's progress' choking!
Usually when I'm smoking, women's progress' choking!

We are almost there… in the brain as well!
We are almost there... in the brain as well!

We are great communicators!
We are great communicators!

We are plastic postured for your pleasure. You can obviously tell our brains are not a treasure!
We are plastic postured for your pleasure. You can obviously tell our brains are not a treasure!

We depend on priceless assets!
We depend on priceless assets!

We don't even know how we fail ourselves, even when we look at our own eyes!
We don't even know how we fail ourselves, even when we look at our own eyes!

We eat on the table! Oh, that's right, you profit by being eaten as well!
We eat on the table! Oh, that's right, you profit by being eaten as well!

We enjoy to be submissive vulnerable bitches, but our brains are barking angrily falling down the ditches!
We enjoy to be submissive vulnerable bitches, but our brains are barking angrily falling down the ditches!

Welcome to the best I have to offer in society, and sorry it's not more than just my body: It's a piety!
Welcome to the best I have to offer in society, and sorry it's not more than just my body: It's a piety!

We obviously omit the face, as it is not the focal point we care about.
We obviously omit the face, as it is not the focal point we care about.

Wet and horny on the beach: Oh, my brain's been chewed-on by a leech!
Wet and horny on the beach: Oh, my brain's been chewed-on by a leech!

What's the matter? Am I not enough of a tasty platter?
What's the matter? Am I not enough of a tasty platter?

When I am completely wet and horny – seems my brain is getting torny!
When I am completely wet and horny – seems my brain is getting torny!

When I join the navy, can you treat me extra special?!
When I join the navy, can you treat me extra special?!

When my bra is made of roses, my progress screams Oh Holy Moses!
When my bra is made of roses, my progress screams Oh Holy Moses!

When my panties drop down, my brain is crowned a clown!
When my panties drop down, my brain is crowned a clown!

When my personality becomes my wear, I'm ordained celebrity is that fair?!
When my personality becomes my wear, I'm ordained celebrity is that fair?!

When the other strap falls loose, my profit's even higher, but my brain's a goose!
When the other strap falls loose, my profit's even higher, but my brain's a goose!

When the straps drop loose, my brain remains as clever as a goose!
When the straps drop loose, my brain remains as clever as a goose!

Where is my progress? LOOK, am I not here for your “progress”?
Where is my progress? LOOK, am I not here for your “progress”?

While I have fun on my ride, my brain for treason will be tried!
While I have fun on my ride, my brain for treason will be tried!

While I pose in comfort, you should have discomfort!
While I pose in comfort, you should have discomfort!

While my lingerie looks valuable, it seems my brain becomes malleable!
While my lingerie looks valuable, it seems my brain becomes malleable!

Why is it that the wider I spread my legs, the narrower my brain shrinks?!
Why is it that the wider I spread my legs, the narrower my brain shrinks?!

Why when I pose on the bed, my brain turns embarrassingly red!?
Why when I pose on the bed, my brain turns embarrassingly red!?

Why women's progress always seems to wipe-out in a cold shower!?
Why women's progress always seems to wipe-out in a cold shower!?

Yes, I'm aiding your mind in undressing me, while my brains keep regressing me!
Yes, I'm aiding your mind in undressing me, while my brains keep regressing me!

Yes, I know I am not more special!
Yes, I know I am not more special!

Yes, I wonder if I can do better than this, but it will involve my brain, not my skin!
Yes, I wonder if I can do better than this, but it will involve my brain, not my skin!

Yes, my brain is just as plastic!

Yes, the mirror is correct: The sadness is reality my brain can't see!
Yes, the mirror is correct: The sadness is reality my brain can't see!

Yes, the salt water makes you hotter, but the corrosion brings your brain to a slaughter.
Yes, the salt water makes you hotter, but the corrosion brings your brain to a slaughter.

Oh yes, they complement with alcohol very well!
Oh yes, they complement with alcohol very well!

Yes, we can definitely do it, but only for a pose!
Yes, we can definitely do it, but only for a pose!

Yes, we try hard to have more chairwomen in leadership, but our progress can't seem to stay afloat!
Yes, we try hard to have more chairwomen in leadership, but our progress can't seem to stay afloat!

You already handcuffed your progress, don't bother any further!
You already handcuffed your progress, don't bother any further!

You're not the only one getting lightheaded: Your progress too!
You're not the only one getting lightheaded: Your progress too!

You are right: My progress has been well framed!
You are right: My progress has been well framed!

You can either make clothes for 77 cents to his dollar, or undress them slowly for 77 dollars to his cent.
You can either make clothes for 77 cents to his dollar, or undress them slowly for 77 dollars to his cent.

You can either make this dress for 77 cents to his dollar, or stretch it playfully for 77 dollars to his cent.
You can either make this dress for 77 cents to his dollar, or stretch it playfully for 77 dollars to his cent.

You can see through my brain just as clearly as seeing through the bottle!
You can see through my brain just as clearly as seeing through the bottle!

You do know why I bring my arms closer together right!?
You do know why I bring my arms closer together right!?

You have no idea what women really want!
You have no idea what women really want!

You mean my hair doesn't look fine?
You mean my hair doesn't look fine?

Your sphere of interest should be around mine's, while the one on my head is obviously not a sphere of importance!
Your sphere of interest should be around mine's, while the one on my head is obviously not a sphere of importance!