This is one of my favorite series of sarcastic truisms, calling-outs of selfish passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing behaviors; and finger-pointing mockeries of “the second sex.” In the early 2000s I did the very first original comment We've got her out of the kitchen, but she became a princess, (CC2-291); but the idea was only for a single image with the headline on the bottom. Like many of my other projects, I put the task aside and it ended up remaining as a written note. Then later, in 2009 I started doing a series of truisms under a different headline name (The Leadership Recollection series) – which eventually merged with this series. Most of these 288 images were created between 2014 and 2015 when the rhyming contextual statements kept popping in my head one after another accordingly – to reflect the passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing content. I found the free-for-use images on the web, because having only several hundred dollars in savings I couldn't have afforded to do photo-shoots; and, subsequently I added the black strips over the models' eyes in order to preserve their identities, because they are just modeling for profit, and I have no intentions to be mocking them as individual followers of a degraded culture. My mockery is at the culture itself that creates sheeple behaviors, not at the specific people who are just abiding to the culture (because they're not exposed to another culture).... But let me further clarify, in case the title (and the artworks) are not understood. What is expected out of a woman? The same as what is expected out of a man! He needs to be properly interactive and connective with her while his biological behaviors are very well check-marked by an effective mutually-beneficial egalitarian culture. And she too needs to be properly interactive and connective to man, not passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing, as contemporary culture approves her to be. Let me go a little more clinical here: Passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing is unhealthy because it is repressively neurotic. She is not kind, sociable, and loving; instead she turns her outwardly-going love inward. The images in this series is what her inward-looking love looks like; she is absorbing, but not giving; she is not opening up to man; she is manipulating him: her “second sex” skill. She is posing for the man... but “the second sex” doesn't understand that it is not the image that man craves; man craves her real kindness, interaction, and love... not pixels on a digital monitor that depict how she is teasing, flirting, and seducing. So, why are the passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing women so popular in pictures and videos then? Because when men aren't socialized with and loved properly by women, they resort to fantasies of women. If you want to find out why women's contemporary passive-teasing, flirting, and seducing behaviors are outdated, you can check out my semi-autobiographical and nonfiction books about the faulty interactive and connective dynamics between women and men.... I also need to do a clarifier on the headline: Who got women out of the kitchen? Women's and men's evolving behaviors, not as the misleading “feminist” outlets kept pounding on us that it is only women who are helping themselves to get “out of the kitchen.” With half of the world's population being men and the other half being women, no action of a specific sex can be attributed only to that specific sex, because, every second of the day there are millions of converging biological and social circumstances that are happening between women and men. No sex can operate in vacuum independent of the interactions and connections of the other sex! (I need to clarify one more thing: I am using the sub-categorization into tabs only to ease the navigation, and not to overwhelm the loading of the page with all the images.)