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▼ The heavenly garbage ▼

Introduction to The heavenly garbage series
The heavenly garbage seriesID: PC

Like the faith of so many of my other series, I have way too many things going on in my head, so this series was also (mostly) abandoned, and I didn't produce as many works as initially I wanted to do.... Since our planet is totally clogged up with garbage, why don't we at least make it prettier? Well, this is my attempt: I take a picture of my garbage, I invert and mess around with the colors; and by doing so I started noticing that it starts looking more heavenly. So, let's jump to the metaphorical meaning of heavenly; it's a sign from God that we are doing something... something heavenly with our garbage: Good, let's keep clogging our planet with more and more garbage, and let's mask out the problem by... by at least making it prettier.