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▼ The education breakers ▼

The education breakers
The education breakersID: CC3-291

This section is still incomplete, and it will take a while to upload all the hundreds of images! The education breakers are page bookmarkers that I custom make to indicate where I stopped reading and where I need to continue reading. Why are these artworks called education breakers? Because my education is being interrupted! Why is it being interrupted? Because I need to go wage slave... and after the wage slaving I will come back home and continue to read. Another name for them is personal intelligence breakers. Why is my personal intelligence being interrupted? Because, again, I have to go wage slaving and interrupt it. Notice that each education breaker has an arrow on the top and bottom sides: it indicates where I need to continue on the page; what if I need to continue reading on the other side of the page? Then you just flip the education breaker upside down. Why are the arrows so creative? So that the artworks can be seen as aesthetically pleasing. Also, notice that there are numbers written on each one: they are the page numbers from which I took notes.... Unfortunately, I don't keep track of when I read books, except that the books I go through are numerically listed in chronological order which is 95% accurate. (You can find the list of books on my FAQ page.) Since I don't keep track of when I read books, I've decided that for the viewing experience, it's probably best to separate all the books by alphabetical order of the author's first name; there are many of them in the U section; they are untitled, because when I started doing them in the early 2000s I was a bit less diligent. I started doing the education breakers inconsistently in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but in 2013 I figured out that I was inconsistent with my project, so I created many of the ones that I had skipped in the past years.... Each page bookmarker is 1/8 of a sheet of letter-size paper. Each sheet of paper used to be a scrap piece of paper, and the back of the sheet may have something else; but as time went on I started to use only blank pieces of paper for the two sides. (The black background is the color of my scanner, and it is not related to the artwork.)

The education breakers.
Picture of ~1/3 of all education breakers.ID: CC3-291
Another person's education breaker (found in library book).ID: 2013