There are several types of series within this project: the flipped mouth series, the stained models, and the folded faces. The (digitally) flipped mouth series started in the late 1990s (during my school years) as a punishment for the brainwashing advertisement that we were constantly fed. Why am I punishing it? Because the profiting endeavors of a business are keeping me poor. It's one thing that I need to pay attention to my school projects and classes, and on the top of it I have to pay my monetary dues for trying to make myself educated? Is my successful education at the end not going to serve society? Hmm! We want the students to struggle on the achievement of their school projects, but not struggle in the obtaining of their needs. But the governments and business don't get that memo! When we expect students to struggle unnecessarily, it is time for our idiotic culture to evolve. With the flipping of the mouth series (which is a blend of performance art and conceptual art), I began to distort the faces of the models on the advertisements. Advertisement is trying to brainwash me with smiling celebrities and models, while there is nothing to be smiling about... so, I correct the smile by flipping it 180°. But due to the degree of uglification, I didn't keep many of the images, which, in retrospect, I regret as I didn't necessarily expect for the facial uglification series to be on display one day.... The stained advertisement (and promotional images) followed later: while advertisement eats your mind, I eat above it! Yes, when I eat, I would put the advertisement under my plate, and later I will take a picture of the stains on the advertisement; and in this case I have more or less unintentionally distorted the advertisement... kind of like the way businesses unintentionally brainwash us. I distort the advertisement just like it distorts your mind. Notice that I don't include the corporate slogans and messages, but only the distorted people that have been affected by the brainwash. I also want to clarify that I have nothing against the models, because they are wage slaves just like you and me; and for the display of the images I decided to hide their identities by putting black stripes over their eyes; just by covering their eyes, I lose my interest in the artwork, and I no longer laugh sarcastically at the distortions.... So, to some extent, right from its origin this project was doomed to fail, because I will cover the fun part.