In 2012 I realized that many different fences were alike in one aspect; they were all trying to tell me something with their own declaratory “I,” but I couldn't understand what it was because didn't speak their fenced language. I only understand the one inside my own fence. On one of the pictures, a bee was jumping over too, but again, I didn't know why. So, I left the pictures to collect dust inside my computer.... But in 2024 when I was launching my website, I finally understood that the fences were basically aspiring to be like their papa fence: to be a barbwire fence. Like father like son, right? They were trying to tell me: I too want to be a barbwire... and protect the “good” people from the “bad” people outside the border.... The fence basically didn't understand that people are naturally migratory, because as humans we are also animals that migrate, because some kind of a necessity is sought elsewhere – and that's why people try to move. To put a barbwire fence, is to declare “property” that is not to be trespassed; but the “property” is a cultural creation, and people's biologies don't understand it; our biology seeks the necessities to live... and keeps seeking to trespasses the “property.”